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Rebook Remix

Published on Nov 18, 2015

Awesome alternatives to book reports


rebook remix

Alternatives to book reports
Photo by coofdy

remixing books

have fun

Rewrite the ending

take an important event, make it the climax, write an original ending
It is fun to think of an alternate ending to a book deviating vastly from the original ending.

Write a summary of the important events in your book. Then, choose an important event from the book you read, and make it the climax. Formulate a new ending to the book as if the important event you chose was the climax.

Character conversations

using dialogue between 2 characters, analyze a theme in your book.
Motif and Theme
In a literary work, a motif can be seen as an image, sound, action or other figures that have a symbolic significance and contributes toward the development of theme. Motif and theme are linked in a literary work but there is a difference between them. In a literary piece, a motif is a recurrent image, idea or a symbol that develops or explains a theme while a theme is a central idea or message. (http://literarydevices.net/motif/)

In this activity, you will write logical conversation between three characters to demonstrate motif within your literary choice.
Photo by Marc Wathieu


Villify the protagonist. Make him/her worse than the original villian
Protagonist = good. Antagonist = bad. Or, protagonist is the hero, do gooder, and purveyor of all that is right. The antagonist is the evil, anarchist, and embodiment of universal wrong. Let's flip this.

In this activity, adapt the protagonist to become the villain making him or her worse than the original villain. How devious will the new villain become?

Characterize the protagonist and antagonist using a web, chart, or other means Use the villainous character traits to flip the protagonist into the villain through...? Pick how you want to demonstrate this.
Photo by Doug Kline

all in good time

analyze how the exposition affects the story's climax
The exposition of a book introduces the characters, setting, and overall conflict to the reader. The climax is point at which the conflict reaches its highest tension or peak.

Analyze how the exposition affects the story's climax by creating a timeline.

Choices to make your timeline:
1. Use paper and colored writing utensils.

2. Use hstry to create an interactive timeline (https://edu.hstry.co/).

Note: If you are under the age of 13 please read and abide by the "Children's Privacy Policy" as outlined by hstry. https://www.hstry.co/terms-of-use
Photo by neil cummings

points of view

explain how 2 main characters point of view differs about the story's conflict
Characters have different points of view about a conflict.

Explain how the main character's point of view differs about the story's conflict.

Choices to write your explanation:
1. Paper/pencil/pen.

2. Google Doc
Photo by theqspeaks

different strokes

create an encounter between characters from two different books
Alice from Alice in Wonderland and Frankenstein may have nothing in common, or do they? At times it's intriguing to broaden our playful minds pretending that characters from two different books have an encounter. What might that be like?

In this activity, you have the option to work with a partner to analyze a character from two different books, and create an encounter between the two. How interesting or fantastical can you make this be?

Photo by AlicePopkorn

good gets better

analyze how the events in your book made the protagonist a better person
Photo by JD Hancock

that means what?

illustrate and define at least 15 words you don't understand from your book
Create a visual dictionary of 15 words you could not define from reading your book. A visual dictionary is one that includes an image of the word, it's definition, and part of speech.

Choices for making your visual dictionary:
1. Create your visual dictionary using paper and coloring utensils (colored pencils, crayons, markers, chalk, paint, etc...). One side of the sheet of paper should be used for each word.

2. Create your visual dictionary using Google Slides. Each slide is a different word.

CC alignment:
Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases by using context clues, analyzing meaningful word parts, and consulting general and specialized reference materials, as appropriate.
Photo by RLHyde

book 2 movie

compare and contrast a book to its companion movie
Books sometimes have movies made about then, and most books have audio versions.

Compare and contrast the book you read to its movie version if it has one.

Choices to complete the compare and contrast:
1. Use a sheet of paper and draw a Venn Diagram.

2. Use a Google Drawing to create a Venn Diagram.

3. Use readwritethink's online Venn Diagram maker. Copy and paste this link into you web browser:
Photo by Domiriel