Rebecca J. Bandy

Published on Nov 25, 2015

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Rebecca J. Bandy

Vision, Mission & Beliefs


To become a leading authority and influential leader in educational policy reform
Photo by i k o

MISSION: To become a catalyst for reform. I will become a leading authority on educational policy and lobby for an advocacy group focused on student-centered success.


Photo by riaskiff

• All American students deserve the right to attend a successful public school, regardless of their physical residence.

• All students deserve the right to be taught by highly-effective teachers who are evaluated on a multi-faceted system which includes, but is not limited to, standardized tests.

• Highly-effective teachers should be paid according to their educational level and time in the classroom, and that pay should be on par with experienced professionals in the private sector.

• Post-secondary education program requirements should be elevated to ensure only the top candidates are admitted into the profession.

• Proper training and support systems built on mentoring and positive feed-back should be in place to encourage teacher retention.

• Students and teachers are more than standardized test scores.

• Multiple vocational program options should be required at every public high school in America and funded accordingly.