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Published on Nov 27, 2015

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BY:Caroline Mayo

Lexington and concord

During the wee hours of April 19,1775, he would send out British soldiers quartered in Boston. Their destinations were LEXINGTON, where they would capture colonial leaders Sam Adams and John Hancock.

York Town
In 1781 was a decisive victory by combined assault of American force led by general George Washington and French forces led by General Comte de Rochambeau over a British army command by General lord Cornwallis.

On June 17,1775 the battle of bunker hill took place. It is one of the most important colonial victories in the U.S war for independents.

Photo by Texas.713

As soon as fort lee was abandoned, Washington began to withdraw across New Jersey toward Philadelphia. About 5,000 Americans left Hackensack on November 21,1776 and retired without casualties 100 miles to safety behind the Delaware river on dec 21,1776.

Photo by Marion Doss

Fought eighteen days apart in the fall of 1777, the two battles of Saratoga were a turning point in the American revolution.

Photo by Marion Doss

Valley forge
The image are heartrending,dramatic and so powerful that they are embedded in the nations historic consciousness. Bloody footprints I. The snow left with bootless men.

Photo by liftarn

On October 14,1780,George Washington chose Nathanael Greene to be commander of the southern department of continental forces


Photo by momo_mika