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Practice-Led Research in Art, Design and Architecture

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Practice-Led Research in Art, Design and Architecture

Arts & Humanities Research Council
Photo by Stéfan

10 month investigation
to describe the landscape
of practice-led research
in Art, Design - 2007

Photo by kevin dooley

Research in which the professional and/or creative practices of art, design or architecture play an instrumental part in an inquiry.

Photo by Supersentido

Practice-led research
must necessarily meet
the conditions for any
form of research.

Photo by Stefan Kemp

The idea of outcome or contribution to knowledge/understanding was
more difficult to resolve and may require
fresh thinking -
a challenge to the AHRC
definition of research

Photo by Sabor Digital

We must resolve the philosophical problem of what kinds of contribution we expect from those who undertake creative practice
as the central vehicle
for research.

Practice-led research is frequently interdisciplinary and this has been a great strength, especially
as it contributes
a new dimension to the disciplines that get involved.