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Published on Nov 22, 2015

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In columbia
Photo by martinak15

Be warned

Some images and be graphic and disturbing

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  • She would see about 13 men a day at about $200 each.
  • For the next several months of her life, Kara worked as a prostitute in Columbia.
This is an insert from an article explaining the story of a girl from Columbia who was forced into prostitution.

Prostitution is legal in columbia

As is brothel ownership. Only supposed "pimping" is illegal
Prostitution: Legal
Brothel Ownership: Legal
Pimping: Illegal

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"Adult prostitution is legal in designated 'tolerance zones,' but enforcement of, and restriction to, the zones remained difficult. Prostitution was widespread and exacerbated by poverty and internal displacement. Sex tourism existed to a limited extent, particularly in coastal cities such as Cartagena and Barranquilla, where marriage and dating services were often fronts for sexual tourism. The law prohibits organizing or facilitating sexual tourism and provides penalties of three to eight years' imprisonment. Trafficking in women for sexual exploitation continued to be a problem."
US Department of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, "2008 Human Rights Report: Colombia," www.state.gov, Feb. 25, 2009

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It is estimated that there are 35,000 children working as prostitutes


Columbia is one of the biggest foreign producers of live online video

prostitution in the world,and are the leaders in live online prostitution

This is compared to all countries in Latin America

Normally,live pornography camera sites have regulated the age limit for

Prostitution membership to 18 years old or up. Many people don't abide this

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