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Ponyboy Curtis

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Think PG:1
Ponyboy cares about his appearance to others and wishes he looked tough like Paul Newman ,Pony does not like how he looks and is insecure.
"I was wishing I looked like Paul Newman-He looks tough and I don't-but I guess my own looks aren't so bad. I have light brown, almost-red and greenish gray eyes. I wish they were more gray, because I hate most guys with green eyes."

Looks PG: 15
Ponyboy gets treated like dirt and worthless by greasers and some other people .
"But most people look at us like we are dirt-gave us the same kind of look that socs did when they came in their corvettes and yelled "grease!" at us."

Do Pg: 14
Ponyboy cares for his brother Sodapop because soda is a dropout of school and pony cares about if soda has a education so he can have a better future.
"How come you dropped out.?" I never gotten over that. I could hardly stand it when he left school. "Cause I'm dumb" soda said . "Your not dumb" "

Feel Pg: 2
Ponyboy feels that he is not like everyone one else and feels misunderstood because he's a softy comparing to his gang. Also he likes movies,books and sunsets but no one in his gang likes them like the way he does.
-"So I'm not like them and nobody in our gang digs movies and books the way i do."
- "I'm different that way."

Say Pg: 23
Cherry says that Ponyboy is a smart and nice guy.
" "Whats a nice,smart kid like you running around with trash like that for ?" Said cherry"


Says Pg: 55
the socs make fun of the greasers and say that Ponyboy and his greaser gang are white trash with long hair.
" "You know what a greaser is? White trash with long hair" said Bob"

Feels Pg: 57
Ponyboy is scared and does not know what to do after Johnny killed bob the socs because Johnny and him could be sent to jail or put in a electric chair for first degree murder.
" "I'm scared Johnny, what are we going to do?" "

Do Pg:93
Pony boy is brave and enters the burning church and then rescues the children
"We dropped the last of the kids out as the front of the church started to crumble. Johnny shoved me toward the window. "Get out."

Looks Pg: 56
Pony boy looks very wet with his soaked sweatshir,his dripping hair and his teeth chattering .
"The wind blasted through my soaked sweatshirt and dripping hair. My teeth chattered unceasingly and I couldn't stop them."

Thinks Pg: 95
The man in the ambulance on the way to the hospital complements PonyBoy by saying he came straight from heaven and that hes a professional hero.
"Mrs.O'Briant and I think you were sent straight from heaven. Or are you just professional heros or something ?"


Do Pg: 131
Ponyboy is careless and looses track of time.
"The rumble was set for seven, so I was late for super as usual. I always come it late. I forget what time it it."

Thinks Pg: 107
Everyone who sees the article in the paper about how Pony and Johnny saved those kids in a burning church , people think Ponyboy is a hero.
" "They'd never believe a greasy-lookin mug could be a hero. How do you like bein a hero, big shot?"said Twobit.

Feels Pg: 102-103
Ponyboy feels in pain and he wants to cry from the pain but he cant because greasers don't cry and he wants to be strong. Pony try's to stop himself from crying.
"I was trembling. A pain was growing in my throat and I wanted to cry , but
greasers don't cry in front of strangers. Some of us never cry at all."

Looks Pg: 134
Ponyboy thinks it would be easier to fight someone his size because he does not have that strong of a build.
"I'll be ok, I pleaded. I'll get hold of a little one , okay?"

Says Pg: 102
Ponyboy tries to be positive and hoping Dally and Johnny will be all right and nothing bad will happen to them.
"Dally be okay, I thought Dalls is always ok. He could take anything. It was Johnny I was worried about."


Do Pg: 171
Ponyboy stands up for himself to a soc and defends himself.
"You get back into your car or you'll split. They looked kind of surprised, and one of them backed up."

Think Pg: 166
Ponyboy thinks socs are Cold blooded and mean.
"He was just like all the rest of the socs. Cold-blooded mean

Feels Pg: 151
Ponyboy feels sorry and is apologetic because he did not mean to get the strangers car dirty with his blood on the seats.
"Gosh,mister I'm sorry", I said dumbfounded.

Looks Pg:150
Ponyboy Looks zoned out.
"I must have wandered around for hours , sometimes even out into the street, getting honked at and cussed out."

Says Pg: 172
Ponyboy tries his best and especially on his theme project.
"I tried to write that theme when I got home. I really did mostly because Darry told me or else."