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Party Drugs

Published on Nov 24, 2015

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Photo by insømniac

Party Drugs ?

Drugs that tend to be used by teens and young adults at bars , nightclubs , concerts , and parties .

Photo by discomate

What type of drugs ?

💊 Ketamine

Photo by Jacek Becela


🔹Risk ? MDMA can cause problems with the body’s ability to regulate temperature.
🔸Brain Damage? Increases the activity of three neurotransmitters : serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine.
🔹 Street Names : Ecstasy , Molly , E , XTC , X , Adam , hug , beans , clarity , lover's speed , and love drug”
🔸 There hasn't been a celebrity that has been killed by ecstasy but there is some celebrities that have admitted to consume this drug . Angelina Jolie , Megan Fox
And Fergie.


🔹Risks ? Ketamine produces a range of effects, from intoxication to delirium. It can also make you unable to move and feel pain. Since it's an anesthic, you can easily black out and forget what happened while under the drugs influence.
🔸Brain Damage? Using ketamine can cause profound physical and mental problems including impaired learning ability and memory, amnesia and potentially fatal respiratory problems.
🔹Street Names : Special K , K or Super C
🔸There hasn't been an celebrity that has been killed by ketamine but Jackie Chang
admits consuming this drug .

Photo by dpstyles™

🔸Risks ? GHB can produce hallucinations and feelings of relaxation and euphoria , this causes health risks including nausea, loss of coordination, difficulty concentrating, and loss of gag reflex.
🔹 Brain Damage? So far GHB hasn't been an impact on the brain , but because it's such a powerful sedative, it most likely affects the brain's memory and learning functions.
🔸 Street Names: Blue Nitro , Cherry Meth ,
Liquid X and Goops
🔹 There hasn't been a celebrity that has consumed this drug nor has been killed by it.

Photo by Max Braun