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Africa Project

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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Photo by angela7dreams


  • Muslim is the dominant religion of north Africa.
  • The people of north Africa have middle eastern culture.
  • A majority of people are arab.
  • The sahara desert covers much of the land.
  • North africa is home to some of the earliest civilizations.


  • Home to some of the earliest humanoids.
  • Christianity and tribal religions show superiority in this region.
  • All land south of the sahara desert.
  • Is home to more a more african population.
  • Has a much more diverse geographic features.
Photo by @Doug88888

These are two very different places in both population and geographically. There are two different types of people Muslim and Christian these two are separated by the barrier of the Sahara, at one time before the continental shift these people could have been the same this is shown by a common ancestor the homo Erectus. North Africa is a major part of the Muslim world some of the people consider them selves part of the Middle East. Subsaharan Africa tends to be Christian and more primal religions these people are terrorized and sometimes forced to convert to Muslim.

Photo by kevin dooley

Environmental Problems
The largest environmental problem in Africa currently is desertification. Desertification is the large decrease of trees and forests. About 90% of Africa depends on wood for heat and cooking, and illegal logging is restricting people to have this need. Deforestation is highly common in Nigeria and Ethiopia. In Ethiopia, over 90 percent of the countries forests have been removed in the last 50 years. The soil in Africa does not have most of the nutrients for crops to grow that people need. Erosion makes growing crops more difficult by washing away the "good" soil for farmers. Another big environmental problem is that the air pollution is very high. Since most of the people in Africa rely on burning wood and charcoal, carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere which can make acid rain and soon kill agriculture. Exhaust from vehicles also contribute to the pollution problem in Africa. With so much burning and carbon dioxide in the air, many people have respiratory problems which in some cases, leads to death.

Preservation efforts
Africa is home to many diverse species of plant and animals lots of these species have become endangered in recent years due to human interaction, people have hunted some of these to near extinct, like the rhino for there horns. Many species have just had there habitats destroyed by deforestation, many organizations exist to help fight against these factors for example the African Wildlife Foundation has set up parks to protect these animals and help by stoping human destruction of there environments.

Photo by decar66

The African population is seeing a shift to an urban population, in 1900 the urban population was 5% now it has risen to 43.5%. This shows a trend Africans are moving to big cites to look for work and a Better environment for there families, usually not finding either. The urban cites of Africa are over populated and have very large slum districts and for some it has the continents best university's and business environment.

Photo by Nrbelex

Some of Africa has world class infrastructure others are untamed wildlife there is a high imbalance of development there are large cites and small villages without electricity most of the population lives in small villages without basic human needs. Africa is expected by 2015 to have some of the largest cites in the world with over half of its people in urban areas, the rest of the population however will live in small villages.

Photo by zilverbat.