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Dear Mrs. Reed, I believe that fifth graders should have recess twice a day…..

Published on Mar 16, 2016

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Dear Mrs. Reed,

I believe that fifth graders should have recess twice a day…..

because I like recess and it’s fun.

Dear Mrs. Reed,
I believe that fifth graders should have recess twice a day because….

a recent study by doctors at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in NYC that examined over 10,000 elementary aged students concluded that students that have at least a fifteen minute break from schoolwork are better behaved than those who don’t.

This study also shows that students who are exposed to more play time at recess are better at managing stress, developing social skills and learning how to deal with conflict resolution.

Also, the American Heart Association recommends that kids get at least 30 to 60 minutes of cardiovascular exercise each week to keep heart-healthy and to combat problems like obesity and diabetes which have become epidemics in our country.

Please consider allowing students to have more recess time each school day. Not only will the students themselves benefit, but so will the classrooms, the school and the greater society as a whole.

Abramovitz, Melissa. Current Health 1. Nov99, Vol. 23 Issue 3, p29. 3p.

Scholastic News -- Edition 4. 2/23/2009, Vol. 71 Issue 16, p3-3. 2/3p.