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1960 - Kelly Johnson

Kelly Johnson was a engineer who build rocket engines. He was the first to come up with KISS.

The principle is best exemplified by the story of Johnson handing a team of design engineers a handful of tools, with the challenge that the jet aircraft they were designing must be repairable by an average mechanic in the field under combat conditions with only these tools. Hence, the "stupid" refers to the relationship between the way things break and the sophistication available to repair them.
Photo by ahisgett

What is the simplest thing that would work?

The question to ask is


  • We have 1 million users
  • We need lots of features
  • We have to win this customer
  • We have to have lots of servers
One could answer the question as
Photo by Gwendal_

What is the simplest thing that "would work" ?

Did you read the end of the question? "would work" ?

Simple can be harder than complex, you have to work hard

Being simple is counter-intuitive. Human equate complexity to hard hard.

It is actually the opposite. To be simple one has to work harder.
Photo by tenz1225


A number of companies choose simplicity
Photo by cobalt123


Don't Be Evil
Google choose this value. It was simple. It captured the essence. Using this value they were able to chart their course in a ever changing technology landscape.


Five Whys?
Toyota in the 60s transformed manufacturing with "Toyota Precision System". It was a critical part of problem solving training.

The essence is when there is a problem, ask 5 whys? These are sufficient.



Twitter choose 140 characters from the worldwide standard of SMS which was 160 characters.



Apple is known for its minimalist design. The iPod was the product the embodied that philosophy.


Simplicity In Motion

Uber transforms a traditional government protected union-backed industry.


Do One Thing and Do It Well

Unix philosophy has built very complicated systems for the last 40 years. Doug Mcllroy was the inventor of pipes.
Pipes are basically conduits of data between different programs. Each program does one small thing and the mesh of programs with connected pipes end up performing a complicated task.


Be simple minded when it comes to your customers.
Amazon asks based on simple notion does it help customer? All business decision drive this basic premise.

What IS

Philosophies I try to live by as I encounter the complex world around me.

Roughly RIGHT

Better to be roughly right than be precisely wrong.

Do More With Less

Having a mindset that you will strive to do less, makes one use less resources. It saves money.

Yes we can

does not mean we should
Don't confuse the ability to do something with the ability to execute it satisfactorily. Execution requires resources which need to be accounted for.

Peel the layers

Discover beauty within
Systems seem complex. But everything in the world has a beauty within it. It is up to you to train your eyes to look for it. Peel away the complexity and capture the true beauty of the solution to your problem.

Build Small Blocks

Legos are a great example. They are all simple blocks, but when used together they can complex patterns.
Similar build small blocks and then glue then together over time to build a complex solution.

It is easier to find out what did not work if you can test the small blocks independently.

What Skills

are needed to be Simple


Be confident you can change
Photo by Kit_Hartford


Do Not Overreach
Photo by eschipul


Solve the essence
Photo by Olivia Alcock


Be Brief
Photo by electropod


Communicate in plain language
Photo by Sarah G...


Strive for a simplier solution
Photo by brewbooks


Do not solve trivially.
Photo by AlmazUK

If the doors of perception are cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is - infinite
William Blake

Quote by William Blake.
The band "The Doors" got the inspiration for its name from this quote.