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Published on Nov 21, 2015

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We Love It

No matter how old you are.
Photo by Ruthieki

In ALL Forms

Whether solid, liquid or vapor.
Photo by camknows

Untitled Slide

Water sustains life on earth.


water isn't welcome... 
But let's face it, sometimes water just isn't very welcome.
Photo by jaysalikin


Here is an example...
I'll show you why a stain in your ceiling could be misread as a roof leak. This is a simple DYI inspection you can perform.
Photo by Handolio

The Air Conditioner

Keep Watching
This equipment could be cooling your home and creating a leaky spot in your home.

This pipe gets Cold

"very cold". It's covered with thick insulation.
The large black insulated pipe is the vapor line. It's job is to help keep you cool in the summer.

Water forms

...when cold things are exposed to HOT AIR. 
You've seen this many times. A cool drink on a hot day can form condensation on the container. That's one of the reason's we have coasters. To prevent water from dripping onto the table.
Photo by Karen Roe

When this cold pipe

...is exposed to HOT attic air...
Now, step into the attic. Trace the large black line from the outside over to your inside unit. Is the insulation missing anywhere along the cold pipe?

The green spot

...there is a potential for ceiling stains.
If so, the cold pipe will sweat and drip water onto the ceiling below...and just like the cold drink, the condensation will collect in an area where you don't want...YOUR CEILING!

And...you could be fooled into thinking you have a roof leak.

FIX IT :: Simply add missing insulation to this cold pipe. The insulation will prevent condensation and therefore dripping water onto your ceiling or wall.

WE Inspect your attic

...for cold pipes that cause ceiling stains.
This inspection is easy to perform. But...should you need help, call a professional home inspector. They're trained to recognize these and a host of other conditions in your home.

Safehome Inspections

In central MS, contact Construction Coach - Gary Smith at his website: http://www.garynsmith.net or on the phone: 601-691-1496


We love it too...in the right places.
WOW - Now I'm thirsty. How about you?