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Heart & Learning

Published on Nov 22, 2015

A fresh look at how we can consider religious orientation, creational structure, creational development, and contemporary instruction in our curriculum and instruction at Dordt College


Heart & Learning

Discernment and Direction
Photo by Soiden

What spirit is in our heart?

What do we (already) worship?

“These people have set up idols
in their hearts.” Ezekiel 14:3

"We love idols.
We trust idols.
We obey idols....

"Anything can serve as a counterfeit god, especially the best things in life.”
(Keller, Counterfeit Gods)

What are our deep idols?

  • Love, emotional or physical comfort
  • Progress, prosperity
  • Security, control of environment
  • Success, approval, appreciation
  • Power, glory, influence
  • Virtue, doctrinal accuracy, ministry success, moral rectitude
Photo by Preshit

Personal discernment

  • What are you living for? What is your real, daily functional salvation?
  • To who or what do you look for stability, security, and acceptance?
  • What do you really want / expect out of life? What would make you happy?
  • What would make you an acceptable person? Where do you look for power and success?

Cultural discernment

  • What do we enjoy imagining? What are our fondest dreams?
  • What makes us uncontrollably angry, anxious, despondent, or emotional?
  • What racks us with guilt?
  • What is it we can’t live without? That life seems hardly worth living without?
  • What gives us hope? Where do we look for power and success?
Photo by hepp

Classroom examples

  • If you are going to be happy in 5 years, what will your life look like?
  • What do you need for a good family life?
  • How did you spend “your” time last week? What bumped other commitments? What did you protect?
  • What do your bank records reveal?
  • How will you decide where to live?
Photo by Rick Camacho

"You cannot get relief simply by figuring out your idols intellectually. You have to actually get the peace that Jesus gives, and that only comes as you worship. Analysis can help you discover truths, but then you need to ‘pray them in’ to your heart.” – Keller, 175

“This takes what are called ‘the spiritual disciplines,’ such as private prayer, corporate worship, and meditation. The disciplines take cognitive knowledge and make it a life-shaping reality in our hearts and imaginations. Spiritual disciplines are basically forms of worship, and it is worship that is the final way to replace the idols of your heart." Keller, 175

Photo by monteregina

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.
Cast me not away
from your presence,
and take not your Holy Spirit
from me. Restore to me the joy
of your salvation, and uphold me
with a willing spirit.
Psalm 51:10-12

Prism image: Pink Floyd album cover, The Dark Side of the Moon.

The list of deep idols and of discernment questions are derived from the book Counterfeit Gods, by Tim Keller.