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Timeline #1

Published on Mar 20, 2016

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~Roman leaders divided the empire, largely due to difficulties in communications between the Eastern and the troubled Western parts of the empire.

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~As bishop of Constantinople, Chrysostom was the patriarch or leading bishop of the East. But even the patriarch bowed to the Emperor.

~ A high-ranking Byzantine nobleman named Justinian succeeded his uncle to the throne of the Eastern Emperor. Justinian became the Byzantine Empire ruler.

~Justinian himself died and his code served the Byzantine Empire for 900 years.

~Emperor Leo III banned the use of icons, religious images used by Eastern Christians to aid their devotions. The Emperor viewed the use of icons as idol worship people responded with riots and the clergy rebelled.

~ The Byzantine culture spreads to Russia, so in the Byzantine and the Russian Empires, the Byzantine culture was part of both Empires.

Photo by vapourtrails

~ A member of the Kievan nobility Princess Olga, paid a visit to Constantinople and publicly converted to Christianity.

~ The city of Moscow was founded, it was a crude village protected by a log wall. Nonetheless, it was located near three major rivers (the Volga, Dnieper, and Don).

~ The Mongols attacked and demolished Kiev. They rode under the leadership of Batu Khan, Genghis's grandson. So many inhabitants were slaughtered, a Russian historian reported that "No eye remained to weep".

~ Ivan made a final break with the Mongols. After he refused to pay his rulers further tribute. Russian and Mongol armies faced each other but no one advanced to fight and went home.