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Published on Nov 21, 2017

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Painting is silent poetry, and poetry is painting that speaks.

Poetry Definition

  • A poem is a type of literature that attempts to stir a reader's imagination or emotions. The poet does this by carefully choosing and arranging language for its meaning, sound, and rhythm.
  • Some poems are simple and humorous.
  • Other poems may tell the truth about life, tell a story, or express deep feelings.
  • Poems are written differently than prose.
Photo by Eddi van W.

He just had to fly,
but he sent her goodbye.

Rhyming Couplets
A rhyming couplet has two lines of poetry that are right on top of each other, and both of the end words of each lines rhyme with each other.

The chicken crossed the road,
and then it glowed.

Since road and glowed are the last word of each line, they both rhyme.
Photo by Jerolek

Free Verse
The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field.
Matthew 13:44

Free Verse
Free Verse is poetry that does not have a regular pattern of rhythm or rhyme.

For you yourself know full well that the Lord will come, just like a thief in the night.

Since this poem has no rhyme patterns and doesn't rhyme at all, it is an example of free verse.

The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls.

A simile is a poetic comparison that uses "like" or "as" to describe something.

The crocodile looked like an alligator from afar.

Since this particular poem uses "like" to describe something it is a simile.
Photo by Sam Goodgame


I am the sound of rain on the roof.
Metaphors are poetic comparisons that say that something is another thing.

I am also the moon in the trees.

Since this line of poetry is saying that something is another thing, it is a metaphor.
Photo by Joe Thomissen

I am silver and exact.
I have no precautions. Whatever I see I swallow immediately.
Just as it is, unmisted by love or dislike.
I am not cruel, only truthful...

Personification is giving an object animal characteristics.

The fog came in on little cat feet.

Fog in not a person, and it was given animal or human characteristics.
Photo by A.M. Kuchling

Naps are cool
Since I'm always tired.
They're even cool at school.
If I had a nap, someday I might get hired.

If school started later, I wouldn't need to sleep so much.
I would love it if I could sleep till noon.
Then there would be time for sleepovers and such.
But now we get up too soon.

When I want a nap he teachers always laugh like I'm joking,
but I'm being one hundred percent serious.
Now I'm so mad my ears are smoking,
because teachers think I'm delirious.

If the teachers don't let us snore,
then we'll have to go to war.

I used stanzas, rhyme schemes, a rhyming couplet, and a simile.
Photo by Jacob Ufkes


5th grade O'keefe
Photo by hitman23vt