Jesus: God Became a Man

Published on Dec 02, 2016

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"Sh'ma, Yisrael, Adonai eluhenu, Adonai echad."

"Hear, O Israel, the LORD our God is one LORD."
Deuteronomy 6:4

Photo by ***Bud***


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Let's Pray


Time for the
During his reign, King Frederick William III of Prussia found himself in trouble. Wars had been costly, and in trying to build the nation, he was seriously short of finances. He couldn't disappoint his people, and to capitulate to the enemy was unthinkable. After careful reflection, he decided to ask the women of Prussia to bring their jewelry of gold and silver to be melted down for their country. For each ornament received, he determined to exchange a decoration of bronze or iron as a symbol of his gratitude. Each decoration would be inscribed, "I gave gold for iron, 18l3." The response was overwhelming. Even more important, these women prized their gifts from the king more highly than their former jewelry. The reason, of course, is clear. The decorations were proof that they had sacrificed for their king. Indeed, it became unfashionable to wear jewelry, and thus was established the Order of the Iron Cross. Members wore no ornaments except a cross of iron for all to see. When Christians come to their King, they too exchange the flourishes of their former life for a cross.

King Frederick William III of Prussia

During his reign, King Frederick William III of Prussia found himself in trouble. Wars had been costly, and in trying to build the nation, he was seriously short of finances. He couldn't disappoint his people, and to capitulate to the enemy was unthinkable. After careful reflection, he decided to ask the women of Prussia to bring their jewelry of gold and silver to be melted down for their country. For each ornament received, he determined to exchange a decoration of bronze or iron as a symbol of his gratitude. Each decoration would be inscribed, "I gave gold for iron, 18l3." The response was overwhelming. Even more important, these women prized their gifts from the king more highly than their former jewelry. The reason, of course, is clear. The decorations were proof that they had sacrificed for their king. Indeed, it became unfashionable to wear jewelry, and thus was established the Order of the Iron Cross. Members wore no ornaments except a cross of iron for all to see. When Christians come to their King, they too exchange the flourishes of their former life for a cross.

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The women of Prussia sacrificed their most valuable possessions for a cross of iron.

Have you ever given up something very precious to you?

Photo by sociotard

Jesus gave up the riches of heaven for a cross of wood.

Photo by Claudio 

"And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached to the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory."
1 Timothy 3:16

Photo by Jeremy Bishop

What is the great mystery of God's nature? It's not, "How can three be one and one be three!"

Photo by sociotard

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The word "trinity" is not in the Bible anywhere.

Photo by sociotard

"We, the Homo sapiens in question, came up with that word [trinity]...we created Orthodoxy from nothing... The truth is: God was nowhere to be found when we made up the Trinity and turned it into a tool to isolate, annoy, and explain God’s expansive love in terms of dysfunctional family."
-Methodist minister Rev. Richard Lowell Bryant

Photo by sociotard

"And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached to the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory."
1 Timothy 3:16

Photo by sociotard

The mystery is: why would such a great big God make Himself so small for us?

Photo by sociotard

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"He will save his people from their sins."
The angel told Joseph that Jesus would "save his people from their sins." But Jesus can't save us from our sins if we don't let go of our sins and repent.
Photo by Bob Jagendorf


"Be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on his name."
"And now what are you waiting for? Get up, be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on his name." - Acts 22:16
Photo by kevin dooley


"The Spirit is God's guarantee that he will give us the inheritance."
"The Spirit is God's guarantee that he will give us the inheritance he promised and that he has purchased us to be his own people. He did this so we would praise and glorify him."

When we receive God's spirit, we will speak with tongues. That's a language that we haven't learned before. This is how we know that God is in us: He speaks the words of praise and prayer that we need to say. A lot of the time, we don't know how to pray, but He knows what we should say. We need Him in our hearts.
Photo by kevin dooley

Let's Pray

Valerie Marcum

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