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Slide Notes

This is where I put my long form notes. This is where I put my long form notes. This is where I put my long form notes. This is where I put my long form notes. This is where I put my long form notes. This is where I put my long form notes. This is where I put my long form notes. This is where I put my long form notes. This is where I put my long form notes. This is where I put my long form notes. This is where I put my long form notes. This is where I put my long form notes. This is where I put my long form notes. This is where I put my long form notes. This is where I put my long form notes. This is where I put my long form notes. This is where I put my long form notes.
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Published on Nov 16, 2018

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Welcome to Adam's Favorite City
This is where I put my long form notes. This is where I put my long form notes. This is where I put my long form notes. This is where I put my long form notes. This is where I put my long form notes. This is where I put my long form notes. This is where I put my long form notes. This is where I put my long form notes. This is where I put my long form notes. This is where I put my long form notes. This is where I put my long form notes. This is where I put my long form notes. This is where I put my long form notes. This is where I put my long form notes. This is where I put my long form notes. This is where I put my long form notes. This is where I put my long form notes.

Things to To

  • Visit Pike Place market to go
  • Throw Fish
  • Put gum on a wall
  • Look at mountains
  • wqerqwjer;lkqj;lkj

Seattle Population

Fun Facts About Seattle

"If you don't like the weather, just wait 5 minutes"
-The Mayor

Photo by Felipe Galvan

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