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You can master time once and for all. What you need to know is your own time management personality style, then set up systems according to your dominant time style preferences.

There are 6 Time Management Styles! What are yours?

~~~~To Discover Your Flow Formula Visit~~~~ http://bit.ly/tssifree

Coaches, educators, & productivity professionals visit: http://bit.ly/TSSIPRO

Productivity Personality Style Type

Published on Nov 18, 2015

You can get organized once and for all. What you need to know is your own organizing personality style, then organize according to your preferences. There are 6 Organizing Styles! What are yours? To Find Out Visit http://bit.ly/tssifree Coaches & productivity professionals visit: http://bit.ly/TSSIPRO TSSI is an online assessment tool created by Sane Spaces, LLC - @sanespaces.com


You Can Manage Time!

Just The Way You Want!
You can master time once and for all. What you need to know is your own time management personality style, then set up systems according to your dominant time style preferences.

There are 6 Time Management Styles! What are yours?

~~~~To Discover Your Flow Formula Visit~~~~ http://bit.ly/tssifree

Coaches, educators, & productivity professionals visit: http://bit.ly/TSSIPRO

Time Management Personality Styles

What's Your Time Personality Type
We all have natural behaviors regarding how we manage our time and organize the spaces we inhabit.

~To Discover Your Time Management Personality Type Take the TSSI™ at ~ http://bit.ly/tssifree

Coaches, educators, & productivity professionals visit: http://bit.ly/TSSIPRO
Photo by AIIDA

Does it bother you when

you MUST focus for long periods of time?
'Hopper' Time Management personality enjoy switching tasks often. But too many incomplete tasks raises tension and makes it feel like nothing ever gets done.

Do you have a 'Hopper' Time Management Style?

To Find Out Visit http://bit.ly/tssifree

Coaches & productivity professionals visit: http://bit.ly/TSSIPRO
Photo by ihtatho

Do you prefer to have...

many things happening simultaneously?
'Hopper' Time Management personality enjoy switching tasks often. But too many incomplete tasks raises tension and makes it feel like nothing ever gets done.

Do you have a 'Hopper' Time Management Style?

To Find Out Visit http://bit.ly/tssifree

Coaches & productivity professionals visit: http://bit.ly/TSSIPRO
Photo by mripp

Do you like to concentrate

on one task until it it's completed?
'Hyper Focus' Time Management personality types love to get lost in tasks. But too often this hyper focus tendency makes it difficult for them to notice time passing, and they lose track of cues. Too much hyper focusing can make managing your time challenging and transitions difficult too!

Do you have a 'Hyper Focus' Time Management Style?

To Find Out Visit http://bit.ly/tssifree

Coaches & productivity professionals visit: http://bit.ly/TSSIPRO
Photo by davidz

Do constant interruptions

tend to tick you off?
'Hyper Focus' Time Management personality types tend to get annoyed at interruptions. Too much hyper focusing can make managing your time challenging and transitions difficult too!

Do you have a 'Hyper Focus' Time Management Style?

To Find Out Visit http://bit.ly/tssifree

Coaches & productivity professionals visit: http://bit.ly/TSSIPRO

Prefer broad brush strokes

who glosses over the details?
'Big Picture' Time Management personality types love to plan big projects but tend to avoid details. Their executive tendencies make it tough to get things done, and many details can fall through the cracks without close attention. Big Picture types tend to overlook the important steps it takes to implement projects which can really derail their time management!

Do you have a 'Big Picture' Time Management Style?

To Find Out Visit http://bit.ly/tssifree

Coaches & productivity professionals visit: http://bit.ly/TSSIPRO
Photo by wiccked

Are you a details master

sometimes spending too much time?
'Perfectionist Plus' Time Management personality types feel that nearly everything can be done perfectly, but mostly only by them. They prefer to do things their way, and tend to get lost in details. But too often this perfectionist tendency makes it difficult for them to complete tasks on time. And, they often commit to too much, leaving them working far too long for little payoff.

Do you have a 'Perfectionist Plus' Time Management Style?

To Find Out Visit http://bit.ly/tssifree

Coaches & productivity professionals visit: http://bit.ly/TSSIPRO
Photo by e_monk

Do you tend to make
quick decisions without thinking them through?

'Impulsive' Time Management personality types tend to leap before they look. They are attracted to high challenge and tasks that are fun and exciting. Impulsives follow their need for adrenalin. But too often this impulsiveness makes it difficult for them to stick to a plan, and therefore they find themselves doing things last minute too often.

Do you have an 'Impulsive' Time Management Style?

To Find Out Visit http://bit.ly/tssifree

Coaches & productivity professionals visit: http://bit.ly/TSSIPRO
Photo by nixter

Do you postpone
decisions until you have no time left?

'Cliff Hanger' Time Management personality types tend to wait until they have all the facts before deciding. They like to feel comfortable with their decisions and don't want to do anything wrong. SO they tend to follow their need for comfort. But too often putting things off makes it difficult for them to stick to deadlines and time can pass without them being aware of the detrimental impacts of postponing important decisions.

Do you have a 'Cliff Hanger' Time Management Style?

To Find Out Visit http://bit.ly/tssifree

Coaches & productivity professionals visit: http://bit.ly/TSSIPRO
Photo by jess2284

Know your time styles

and create systems that work!
Work with your natural style to master time in your life and create lasting time systems that make your life work. Finally Master Time for GOOD!

No matter what your Time Management Personality Type is, the TSSI can help you become more aware of your natural tendencies, stop procrastinating important tasks, and create customized time management systems that will help you stay productive, organized and lead a more satisfied life.

To Find Out Your Time Management Personality Style Visit http://bit.ly/tssifree

Coaches & productivity professionals visit: http://bit.ly/TSSIPRO

Discover your
Time Management
Personality Style:

~~~~To Discover Your Flow Formula Visit~~~~ http://bit.ly/tssifree

Coaches, educators, & productivity professionals visit: http://bit.ly/TSSIPRO
Photo by monkeyc.net

Master Time by working WITH your personality strengths
via Time & Space Style Inventory (TSSI™)

Once you identify your personality preferences, learn more about how your personality tendencies 'shows up' by observing your own use of time. Changing your lifestyle begins with self acceptance.

Time flow is loosely defined as effortlessness. Learning your time management style can help you create more flow in your daily experience.

~~~~To Discover Your Flow Formula Visit~~~~ http://bit.ly/tssifree

Coaches, educators, & productivity professionals visit: http://bit.ly/TSSIPRO

Photo by rishibando

Manage Time by customizing your systems

The Time & Space Style Inventory™ (TSSI™) evaluates your style preference and how you arrange space...
So you can:
~ make better decisions and prioritize tasks with ease.
~ create a supportive and productive environment.
~ master time according to your personality preferences - easily.

~~~~To Discover Your Flow Formula Visit~~~~ http://bit.ly/tssifree

Coaches, educators, & productivity professionals visit: http://bit.ly/TSSIPRO
Photo by photosteve101

Understand what makes you unique and remedy your lifestyle.

The Time & Space Style Inventory™ (TSSI™) evaluates your style preference to help you understand how you use time today and work with, instead of against yourself.

~~~~To Discover Your Flow Formula Visit~~~~ http://bit.ly/tssifree

Coaches, educators, & productivity professionals visit: http://bit.ly/TSSIPRO

Determine what is most important to you... and make time for those things

The Time & Space Style Inventory™ (TSSI™) helps you understand what is natural to your style personality preference and how you prioritize, manage details and make decisions.

~~~~To Discover Your Flow Formula Visit~~~~ http://bit.ly/tssifree

Coaches, educators, & productivity professionals visit: http://bit.ly/TSSIPRO
Photo by fikirbaz

Love Your Life & Master Time with TSSI™
Time Management Personality Style

EMBRACE your natural personality style! Make it work for you – take the Time & Space Style Inventory™

~~~~To Discover Your Flow Formula Visit~~~~ http://bit.ly/tssifree

Coaches, educators, & productivity professionals visit: http://bit.ly/TSSIPRO
Photo by deniedart

Find Out More -
Professionals help clients!
Pros: bit.ly/TSSIPRO

The Time & Space Style Inventory™ (TSSI™) evaluates your style preferences for managing your time and organizing your spaces. This helps you gain insight to work with your natural tendencies and habits to successfully manage your time and organize your space.

~~~~To Discover Your Flow Formula Visit~~~~ http://bit.ly/tssifree

Coaches, educators, & productivity professionals visit: http://bit.ly/TSSIPRO
Photo by BettaLivingUK

Find your flow formula with TSSI™

Individuals: bit.ly/tssifree  ~ Pros: bit.ly/TSSIPRO
For Your Flow Formula Visit http://bit.ly/tssifree

Coaches, educators, & productivity professionals visit: http://bit.ly/TSSIPRO

Or contact me! info@sanespaces.com
Photo by SolomonVipe