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Morphology Unit 14

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Chronological (adj)-chron
Arranged in the order of time that the events occurred or took place.

This book contains and involves some chronological details or events of the mystery of the lost Roanoke colony.

Photo by revbean

Chronicle (noun)-chron
A description of events in the order that they happened.

Unfortunately, we could not make a chronicle of your perspective since we don’t really know the precise time of when the events occurred.

Photo by crackdog

Chronograph (noun)-chron
A device (like a stopwatch) that is used for measuring or recording time in a very exact way.

This chronograph would give us the accurate time of how fast can your brother run a mile.

Photo by Infomastern

Contemporary (adj)-temp
Happening or beginning now or in recent times.

Some contemporary and modern musicians or music artists I know are Cardi B, Bruno Mars, Eminem, and Ed Sheeran.

Local (adj)-loc
Relating to or occurring in a particular area, city, or town;located or living nearby.

In local grocery store, I can purchase many various foods such as ice cream, snacks, meats, sauce, noodles, and milk.

Photo by Miradortigre