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Published on Oct 23, 2017

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By: Allison Lee 6L
Photo by Møuin.M►

Excretory System

The Elimination of Waste System

iWonder Question:

How Does Sweat Affect your Body?
Photo by Ian Sane

Sweat affects the body in these different ways:

Because your skin the largest single organ in the body, you need to sweat to keep it active. The most sweat comes from your feet, and the least is from your back.

Photo by kennymatic

At thirty-eight degrees Celsius, you start sweating. Sweat is consisted of water, salt, and bacteria which is the finishing touch that makes it sweat. Like the cherry on the next slide.

Photo by quapan

Untitled Slide

Photo by anokarina

Sweating can keep your body from overheating, and if it doesn't, you could get heat exhaustion, heat stroke or overheating that could cause dizziness or weakness.

Photo by Ian Sane

Not this type of exhaustion though...

An average person produces one litre of sweat per day, which is equivalent to a bath of sweat in three months! When you sleep, you actually sweat 200 millilitres per each 8 hours of sleep, and not a lot is absorbed by the mattress...

Photo by cdnsue


Imagine if the water was all sweat!
Photo by tom@hk

When sweat evaporates, it cools you down, so when you are hot, you produce more sweat, meaning that you completely cool down when it evaporates. Sweat takes energy from your skin to keep evaporating!

The reason I chose this topic and how it relates to my life:
I live next to a park, so I always see some people jogging by, and some looked exhausted and some looked like they were 'so alive'. Some people that ran in groups, and some looked more tired than the other, and I wanted to know why they were sweating more.

Thanks for watching!

Photo by mandiberg