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The Goose Foundation

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Photo by Anne Nygård


  • The goose foundation helps black families that have lost there homes. We use programs to help get you houses, food, etc.


  • Black homeownership has hit the lowest since the 1960s, and dropped to 40.6 %. LUCKLY it has went up to 44%. The whiteowenership is at approximately 74%.


  • We are gonna use instagram, twitter, and also have a website to get attention of people. We will also have commercial and be featured on the news.
Photo by Joshua Hoehne


  • This is gonna catch the attention of many people that are looking for help to get a place, and many people that have filed bankruptcy. 49% of black people have filed bankruptcy because of Covid and not being able to work that there losing there homes.
Photo by Rene Bernal


  • The reason I wanted to do this is because a lot of people when they see a black homeless person they assume their on drugs, or they criminals. A lot of times nobody gave them a chance or they didn’t have the right people in there life to help guide and help them get houses and jobs and stuff.
Photo by Randalyn Hill


  • We will be a business that get funded by the government. For your food and necessities, we will give you a debit card where you can by clothes, food, hygienes,etc. For the house part of it will be funded by HUD, FHA, and other programs. We will also have a shelter until you complete your housing programs, which we will help you get a job and it will be founded by the government.
Photo by 401(K) 2013


  • What inspired me to named the foundation G.O.O.S.E, is because of my grandad. Before my grandad passed away in October of 2019 to cancer he always used to help people. He was a pastor, he will feed the homeless and invite them to church. Before he retired they called him big goose which inspired me to name the foundation that. This foundation is basically named after him.
Photo by Billy Huynh

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