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Published on Apr 15, 2016

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Game Changer: Ready, Set, Go!

High school juniors excel at college research days

Our Story


Jen student in Mary's class in 2009.

Joint membership in ILART - goals is interest in transition from HS to college in information literacy

Our Why

  • Research
  • required capstone
  • College Experience
  • Access to more resources
  • DEvelop a MOdeL
  • Graduation!

Prepare students for college experience, access to college-level resources, capstone is required for graduation, Jen and Mary get to work together, developing a model that can be replicated for other schools


In thery, half of Cuffee students could end up attending URI which now has a IL competency requirement; this research day welcomes them to college life and gives them a taste for what to expect, inspires/builds confidence, empowers them as learners/researchers.

**maybe we want to change this image to something that reflects critical thinking?

student success - AASL/ACRL standards (crosswalk)
adding to recruitment and retention

Photo by Herkie

HOW We did it

  • Communication
  • Planning/Logistics-bus/fooD/staffing
  • CREATE RESEARCH DAY schedule/Activities
Bus, printing, food, staffing (librarians, location), student grouping, chaperones, sub coverage (compelling rationale for doing this - sharing the "why" with admin is crucial), prepping HS students with library instruction, prepping ourselves (create research day), keeping student interest in mind, created a schedule of the day
Photo by b3d_


  • Instruction at Cuffee
  • Instruction at URI
Problem-solving in research development and in technology/organizing information (saving articles to access later on - google drive/classroom organization)

Graphic organizers for students - had a task to complete by the end of each visit

Structured instructional time and independent work time

Two visits increased students' familiarity and comfort levels of the space and the resources

Librarians adapted university freshman library orientation materials and intro to writing materials;

content/lessons, research skills assessment, libguide/lessons at PCUS, inforhode tutorial, essential question developed and shared with teachers and librarians, created lesson plans with academic librarians

show weebly

Photo by ginnerobot


Challenges: time-consuming, maintaining and sustaining students' attention in class, student buy-in, communication with colleagues @ cuffee and URI, follow-up is hard but closing the loop is crucial (both schools have evidence that there was value in the experience)

Rewards: student exhibition night, students reflections and feedback about the trip, academic library value outreach to potential students, part of URI's IL plan, school library curriculum enhanced and improved, students success/achievement is the goal, Cuffee & URI library mission

Photo by Pewari

Student Work


Challenges: time-consuming, maintaining and sustaining students' attention in class, student buy-in, communication with colleagues @ cuffee and URI, follow-up is hard but closing the loop is crucial (both schools have evidence that there was value in the experience)

Rewards: student exhibition night, students reflections and feedback about the trip, academic library value outreach to potential students, part of URI's IL plan, school library curriculum enhanced and improved, students success/achievement is the goal, Cuffee & URI library mission

Photo by Loin des yeux