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Mini Bone Project

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Photo by [ henning ]

Bone Structure

Bones have many different shapes, and sizes. Although bones seem smooth, they are actually bumpy with holes and edges. Periosteum is the name of the tight-fitting membrane that covers the bone's surface. Compact bone, which is under the periosteum, gives extra strength. Spongy bone which is on the ends of long bones have small open spaces that make the bone lightweight. The ends of bones are covered in cartilage which is smooth, slippery tissue.

Bone Formation

Months before your birth, your bones were made of cartilage. Eventually the cartilage was broken down, and replaced by the bones. Bone forming cells called osteoblasts deposit calcium and phosphorous. At birth, you had around 300 bones, but some fused together, causing you to now have 206 bones. Bone decomposer cells break down the bone, releasing calcium, and phosphorous into the bloodstream


Any place where two bones come together is a joint. A thin layer of cartilage is kept between the two bones so the bones do not rub against each other. Ligaments connect the bone and joint so it holds in place. There are two types of joints, immovable, and movable. Immovable allow little or no movement. Movable allow a wide range of motion. One type of movable joint is an ball and socket joint, another is the pivot joint, there is also a hinge joint, and lastly a gliding joint. Cartilage helps a joint move easier. Arthiritis is the most common joint problem.

Photo by | Tico|


  • It helps you to move around.
  • It gives you support and structure.
  • Without it we would be a lump of flesh.
  • We couldn't be able to do anything we are capable of today
Photo by e_monk


Photo by Toastwife