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Language learning through the internet

Published on Mar 27, 2016

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Language learning through the internet

maybe flags as a background?

talk about many people learning languages and failing(why do so many fail?)

foreign text as a background

Methods. Everyone has their own method. Books and programs advertised as "best method". Search for methods online. many well-known polyglots. Background: bored, studying with a book?

Speak about well-known polyglots and their methods. Benny Lewis. Speak from day one. New book.

Benny Lewis.

Steve Kaufmann. lingq

Luca Lampariello. Polyglotdream.

Khatzumoto. SRS.

Personal experience.
Chilean family.

Didn't understand at family dinners. Asked dad how he learned Spanish. Spanish Made Simple.

Worked through book, studied online, practised with family.

WHY LEARN A LANGUAGE? Appreciating other cultures, getting to know new people. In my case, communicating with family.

Practical, universal reasons for learning a language: health benefits. Slows onset of Alzheimer's.

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