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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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By: Brooke Saiter


HIV- human immunodeficiency virus infection
AIDS- acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

This virus weakens your immune system by destroying cells that fight disease. It takes over cells from the host and destroys them. This virus attacks the T-Cells to make copies of itself. If this disease copies itself enough, it becomes AIDS.

When the person is first infected, they go through a period where the illness has symptoms like influenza. Then they go through a period without symptoms, and as the disease goes on the immune system weakens. This makes it easy for you to get infections.

This disease is transmitted through sexual intercourse, pregnancy, contaminated blood transfusions, breastfeeding, and other ways.

More and more people are getting diagnosed with aids because of malnutrition, not enough health care, or not being able to get medicine. About 50,000 people become infected each year.


Last year scientists said that they cured a baby of HIV because of heavy drug treatment 30 hours after it was born. They are going through trials where they will put 60 babies through this drug treatment for 48 hours to see if it works.

The first baby is now 3 years old and is still HIV free. Though it is incorrect to call it "cured" because the baby is still on drugs.