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Untitled Haiku Deck

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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  • Scotland and Norway fight
  • Scotland wins.

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  • Macbeth " unseam'd him from the nave to th'chops..."

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  • Thane of cawdor was a traitor and was executed.


  • "All hail Macbeth thane of glamis! All hail Macbeth thane of cawdor! All hail Macbeth that shalt be king hereafter!"

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  • Duncan names Macbeth thane of cawdor

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  • Macbeth tell his wife the prophecy of the witches in a letter.

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  • Lady Macbeth gets news that the king is coming.

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  • Macbeth and lady Macbeth plot against duncan

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  • Macbeth has second thoughts and his wife says man up.

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  • Lady Macbeth gets the guards drunk and steals their daggers

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  • Lady Macbeth gives Macbeth the daggers

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  • Macbeth sneaks into Duncan's chamber room.

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  • Macbeth stabs Duncan a lot

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  • Macbeth hears someone yell murder and the words sleep no more, Macbeth murders sleep

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  • Macbeth goes to lady Macbeth with daggers. She takes them and tells him to get in his pajamas