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The Big Bang and its' Eras


The Big Bang

What formed/occurred and in what time frame?
Photo by CottonIJoe

The Big Bang

10 to the power of -43rd, seconds in
Photo by write_adam

13.7 billion years ago, The Big Bang started in an unlikely state of heat. At 10 to the power of -43 seconds, the temperature reaches one hundred million trillion trillion degrees, it is a dense fireball.

Photo by drubuntu

From 10 to the -35th, to 10 to the -33rd, the universe goes through inflation,which means in the first fraction of a nanosecond after birth the universe expanded extremely fast. Inflation stops when its energy becomes the matter and energy we see today, although basic.

Photo by fractalSpawn

Universe Forms Shape

10 to the power of -6, seconds in
Photo by zAmb0ni

expanding slows down while the temperature cools down, loosing density. a force, gravity, is created which holds atoms' nuclei together, making weak electromagnetic forces.

particles (quarks, electrons, photons, neutrinos) hit together and mash to create protons and neutrons.

Photo by lrargerich

Basic Elements

3 seconds in
Photo by Futurilla

Unstable atoms of hydrogen, helium, and lithium are made by protons and neutrons, and continue to be formed for 10,00 years

Photo by zAmb0ni

Radiation Era

10,000 years in

most energy is in form of radiation waves (wave length, x rays, radio waves, ultraviolet rays) but those waves dim out over time, leaving the microwaves that coat all things in the universe.

Matter Domination

300,000 years in

the amounts of radiation energy and matter energy are almost equivalent, but radiation waves dilute to lower energies as they stretch. The over power of matter energy forms neutral atoms.

Photo by write_adam

Galaxies&Stars Form

300,000,000 years in
Photo by fractalSpawn

Dense pockets of gas ignite to form stars, stars that clump together become galaxies; this is 12-15 billion years before present time.

Madison Laxton&Caleb Freeborn

citations in the side notes
Andersen, Ross. "What Happened Before the Big Bang? The New Philosophy of Cosmology." The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company, 19 Jan. 2012. Web. 31 May 2015. .

"BIG BANG TIMELINE." BIG BANG TIMELINE. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 May 2015. .

"Chronology of the Universe [video Infographic]." YouTube. YouTube, 21 Aug. 2014. Web. 31 May 2015. .
Photo by tomt6788