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Slide Notes

Hi Everyone!
(hahaha, Seasons Greetings....hahahah)
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Published on Oct 06, 2017

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Hi Everyone!
(hahaha, Seasons Greetings....hahahah)

scheduling needs

please regularly schedule yourself
It's my least favorite thing to discuss, so we'll start here. We have 36 volunteers who dispatch, but very few whom grab regular shifts. I know it's difficult sometimes, but if you can grab a regular shift each week and hold to it as consistently as possible it makes a huge difference.

we need your help

this is the rest of Oct
We are asking each dispatcher to take 3 shifts a month, minimum. If you haven't grabbed your shifts yet for Oct, please do. You can see there is plenty of shift opportunity for a variety of days and times.

I will be following up with anyone not on the schedule directly starting next week. If three shifts a month is not possible for you at this time, please reach out to me and let me know.


Status Update
Volunteer Connection and DCSOps are communicating again and all new staff and volunteers are being added to the system! This fix was made on the VC side and while it's very helpful for our operations we are still unable to make fixes directly to DCSOps like the mileage/distance fix. Jim continues to work at getting access to the system and implementing these fixes.

Scheduled DAT Captains

remember: DAT Sheduling --> See all
Because VC and DCSOps are communicating again, all DAT Captains are in the system and are back to scheduling themselves in DCSOps. There is no longer a need to reference the secondary schedule in VC. Just remember when looking for your DAT Captain, make sure you're referencing the correct Chapter. Click See All next to Current On-Call Team to see DAT Captains for Greater Chicago, Illinois River Valley, and Northwest IL.

The Latest Button

for the most up to date info on goings-on
The Latest button has been added to DCSOps for dispatchers to quickly reference updated information around fast paced situations like DROs. Look here for updated hotline numbers, guidance on large-scale responses, and other information.


I'm really a sucker for a good pun. InvestiGATOR -get it?!

Incident Reviewers

Needed! Wanted!
Jim and I are always trying to conduct incident reviews, make data entry corrections, and provide feedback, but it's unfortunately the first thing to get put on hold whenever things get busy. (when are things ever busy?)

Do you see minor data entry errors in DCSOps that drive you crazy? Ever add or fix data you see missing?
Would you be interested in helping us out with reviews?


Group Discussion
How many of us use Basecamp and is it helpful? Can we use it in more interesting and engaging ways?

a quick poll

  • Do you know what Basecamp is?
  • Do you read Basecamp emails?
  • Are you able to login to Basecamp?
  • Have you ever posted to Basecamp?
Be honest now.

maximizing it's use

It's a useful tool, how do we best use it for us?
How can we use Basecamp better to share information and support the dispatch team w/out flooding our inboxes with a lot of "reply alls." Please make suggestions if you have them.

Question of the week

everyone chimes in with answers
Jim did a Question of the Week a while back and got some good replies. How do you feel about that, knowing we'll still use Basecamp for shift coverage needs as well? Would you mind the extra emails in your inbox if it was a conversation you could participate in and ask follow-up questions?

Verifying Incidents

Process Review
Incident verification are critical for the fiscal reviews required on all CAS cases. The notes we put in DCSOps are referred to by our fiscal reviewers and specific criteria are needed for cases to be approved.

Data needed in timeline

critical info for fiscal reviewers
For the Incident Verification to be usable, it must contain the name and/or badge number of the dispatcher you speak with when verifying, as well as the department they are with.

Examples: Louis at OEMC, Badge 21 at Oak Park Fire, Susan at the DeKalb County Sheriff's office.

Calling Rockford

and other FD's who don't want us to proactively call
Always remember:
Err on the side of the client.

We don't call Rockford proactively when we get IPNs or social media notifications. However, anytime a client contacts us and is in need of immediate assistance, we call the FD to verify that fire. This includes Rockford and all other jurisdictions.


Process Review 2
Both DHS and Media notifications have follow-up call triggers based on the time of day.

Details for each notification spelled out in Dispatch Manual linked on DCSOps.

When in doubt, follow all notifications up with a phone call.

Health Services Notification

Call the nurse!
For Health Services Notifications.

Send the notification and call the DHS person on-call between 8AM and 8PM.

Only send the notification between 8PM-8AM.

For Media Notifications:
Exactly the opposite, although if in doubt, just call your PIO. Anytime.

Dakotas Incidents

Process Review 3
We will demonstrate the process for dispatching Dakotas incidents during the meeting. If you're unable to attend, please review the process and screen shots in the Dispatch Manual linked to DCSOps.

Jim made a movie!

link here
Additionally, Jim created a how-to video walking you through the process. Click this link to view this short training video. Link here.

The NorCen Inbox

Quick Note
The only rule about the Norcen Inbox is never talk about the Norcen Inbox. Nope, that's something else.

The only rule is just don't delete things.

Feel free to file IPNs, OEMC Notifications, and voicemails in the designated folders. As shown in the next slide.

gmail folders

drag and drop emails once they are completed
After you have verified an IPN or OEMC email, or followed up on a voicemail with a return call and there is no further action needed, please move the message to the appropriate folder.

1. Just click and hold on the email you want to move and drag it over to the correct folder.

2. Everything that gets moved should be "read" (no longer bolded in gmail).

3. Only move things you've completed.

4. Don't delete things.

Go Team Go!

Recognition Time
Thank you everyone for stepping up and grabbing multiple upon multiple shifts to help maintain dispatch coverage while both Jim and I were deployed.

Thank you Scott Otto for being on backup and supporting the team w/ Q+A, communicating scheduling needs to the team, and covering the gaps in general.

Untitled Slide

Sincerely, thank you!

Other topics?

What'd we miss?
Open discussion. Anything discussed here will be posted to Basecamp as a part of the overall run down of the meetings.