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The Use of Social Media in Education

Published on Apr 24, 2016

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The Use of Social Media in Education

The Pros and Cons
Photo by mkhmarketing

The Pros

Photo by owenwbrown

Digital Residents

  • As a majority of people can be considered Digital Residents, the use of social media in education can help them to engage more with topics
Photo by owenwbrown

Sharing Resources

  • Using social media within education helps to share up-to-date relevant resources quickly
  • Enhances student engagement as they can access content whilst on the move
Photo by owenwbrown

Online Profiles

  • Using Social media within education helps students to build an awareness about, and see the importance of their online profiles
  • This can also help them to get noticed by relevant industries
Photo by owenwbrown

The Cons


  • Social media access is constant which also means that students can have constant contact with each other
  • Once this platform has been explored it can be quite difficult to monitor the content of the messages sent between students

Inappropriate content

  • As well as not being able to monitor the interactions students have with one another, it is also difficult to manage the content being accessed/shared
  • Using social media in education encourages students to use, share, and upload content which may not be appropriate

Digital Footprint

  • Moreover, encouraging students to use social media for education means that they will be putting an increased amount of information online
  • If not used properly, this can be accessed by future employers as they are hard to get rid of permanently

The End

A presentation made as part of the #UOSM2008 module