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Hi! I'm Alyson the Librarian and I'm here to talk to you about some of my ideas for an outreach library, as well as talk to you about what ideas you have about what we can do with the information space.
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Outreach Library

Published on Feb 28, 2016

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Outreach Library

the conception
Hi! I'm Alyson the Librarian and I'm here to talk to you about some of my ideas for an outreach library, as well as talk to you about what ideas you have about what we can do with the information space.
Photo by Cinetics


  • Collection
  • Audience
  • Longevity
1) Collection generated from in-house research and related materials - make our research interactive

2) Audience is public, with particular focus on educators/students. Audience needs personalized spaces and materials.

3) Longevity is two-fold: making our materials last & securing long-term funding for the project

Collection Development

  • Collected Papers
  • Interactive 
  • Implications 
1. Make the collected papers digitally accessible. Make our researchers' CVs interactive (when allowed by copyright). Add links to presentations.

2. Create interactive content for computers. Engage MakerSpace materials. Have a place for presentations/classes.

3. Establish clear links between research & applications (ex. medical)

Make it interactive

Video screens, computer screens, take home materials, classroom/library programs, educational games, etc.


dividing the space
When creating the space, consider it as All Children's Family Outreach Library did and divide the space by age groups: children, adults, and teens.

kid space

Children's space allows for plenty of room to be a kid - and plenty of comfortable space for supervision.

room to share

Computer terminals with shared space benches allow children to bounce back and forth together - collaborative space for the little ones

Yes, you can still have books.

Books can still be kept in house, with security mechanisms in place - imagine this collection reflecting our research - not to mention the kids books dedicated to or created by our researchers.


Adult & teen books can also be kept in the outreach library.

These could be loaned to educational institutions via ILL or own in-house program.

Let there be collaboration!

Adults need a collaborative space, too - a place to work together while having their own desk.

(Or privacy.)

Teens need a bit more privacy, as seen by the secluded areas. This also provides a space for some of our specimens - or for the 3D printed copies of them.

Keys to Longevity

  • Keep it relevant.
  • Keep it safe.
  • Keep it funded.
1, Relevant information. What do people want to know? (Ex. kids like animals, adults worried about health) We can continuously update the information with new research as well as information from our archival/special collections.

2. Since library is open to public, will need more attention to security than current lab library provides.

3. Secure funding, especially for special projects - such as having those 3D printers. (Currently working with education to secure this.)

...but what about the research library?!

Speaking of longevity, without our research library, we won't have any new content to add to our outreach activities.

Addition doesn't equal subtraction. Research library will still exist to support institution.


I appreciate the time to talk to you today and can't wait to keep working together. You can contact me by email anytime.