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Theatre as Social Action

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Theatre as Social Action

Theatre 2100: Spring 2015; Wk 13, Lecture 2

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In this Lecture:

* Difference between theatre as propaganda and theatre for social action

* Augusto Boal and Theatre of the Oppressed

* OSU's Interact Theatre project for Social Change

Theatre as Propaganda

Bob Hope performs in a USO (United Service Organizations) show in Hesse, Germany in 1945.

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When theatre functions as propaganda, it is attempting to persuade people to adopt or celebrate a specific political or moral agenda. Its aims are imposed upon spectators by those who make the theatre.

The image is of the 2012 opening Olympic Ceremony in London, England.


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Augusto Boal (1931- 2009) : Created the Theatre of the Oppressed

Theatre of the Oppressed gives its participants the techniques to find their own solutions and apply them to issues in their communities

Spectators are encouraged to participate in the performance; actors can step out of performance and observe
. Participants in TO are called "spect-actors"

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Invisible Theatre:
A scene is performed in a public place, unknown to passers-by; the goal is to intensify the scene to the point where non-performers insert themselves into situation

Legislative Theatre:
Used to create a dialogue between citizens and political institutions to explore proposed laws, similar to Forum Theatre

Forum Theatre:
Non scripted performance that includes spect-actors. Performances focus on an oppression in community; participants jump in to construct a solution to the problem

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This link will take you to the first part of an interview with Augusto Boal:

The second part of the interview can be found here:

The interview was taped earlier and shown after he died in 2009. In these interviews he discusses how he developed the Theatre of the Oppressed, and the different kinds of theatre he uses to enact social change.

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"Implicit Bias"

  • Saturday, Apr. 25 at 7pm
  • Roy Bowen Theatre
  • Free to students
  • Can use as Extra Credit!