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Throwing tech into the mix does not result in good teaching- common misconception
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Math & Tech

Published on Mar 24, 2016

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Instructional Design

Effective Teaching through Effective Best Practices
Throwing tech into the mix does not result in good teaching- common misconception
Photo by USAG Vicenza

Instructional Design

Effective Teaching through Effective Best Practices
Throwing tech into the mix does not result in good teaching- common misconception
Photo by USAG Vicenza


MS Math, 1:1 Checkout, Novice
Motivated novice Middle School Math Teacher with access to 1:1 technology on a check out basis
Photo by CERDEC


Areas of Need, Areas of Extension, Cross-Curricular
Work with the teacher to identify- prepared with knowledge of Common Core and grade level
Photo by doviende


What skills do you want your students to leave with?
Does your pedagogy match what you want to see in your students? Through conversation learn about methods that they currently use or would best fit their teaching style- observe classroom. What best fits?
Photo by zetson


Driven by Content and pedagogy
Content and Pedagogy drive the technology integration (limitations of context). Without a clear understanding of those it is hard to match activities that are meaningful and adding value to class using technology


purpose, mastery and autonomy
Maintaining Motivation:
Purpose- establish short term and long term goals related to the teacher’s current practices. SAMR model give some examples
Autonomy- no forced tech tools, all tie into curriculum and pedagogy
Mastery- Getting somewhere- accomplishing goals- training-celebrating small victories- sharing with peers (mastering some pieces of technology)
Photo by stevendepolo

short term goal

Management- How do I start?
Short Term Goal: Management ideas: Google Classroom, Edmodo or classroom website to curate general classroom resources and curate assignments (Substitution/Augmentation)

Short Term goal

How do I spend less time grading and more time with students?
Use Google Docs/Forms within Google Classroom or Edmodo and have students edit to complete weekly work of some sort. Doctopus/Flubaroo

Long Term

Growth in constructing and defending arguements?
There are many options of going about doing this but the Chromebooks would allow for weekly creation of Educreations videos where students could show their work and explain how they got their answer in a video. Other students can watch and comment.

There is a great series by Ben Rimes called Video Story Problems- students could create their own video story problems related to the content.

Long Term

Opportunities to collaborate and differentiate?
Tech allows for new ways to collaborate and opportunities to group and more easily assign different tasks to different groups to meet their needs.

Use the management tool to create different math groups so multiple activities are going on during class time:

Google Draw/Docs- Collaborative solve a problem or set of problems

Educreations- You can have a group watching a reteaching mini lesson and have a supporting practice game link

Dan Meyers- Three Act Math- You can have a group problem solving real world problems related to content with an optional extension.

There is a site called Would You Rather where students have to justify using math what they would rather do.

Eventually do a Cross-Curricular project that requires collaboration across classes.