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Slide Notes

There's really no how-to manual with one-size-fits all directions for 'flipping' a class. No two teachers will do it identically, even in the same subject; & especially between disciplines.
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Published on Nov 20, 2015

A short introduction to ideas, thoughts about flipping a class.



No Cookie Cutters Allowed
There's really no how-to manual with one-size-fits all directions for 'flipping' a class. No two teachers will do it identically, even in the same subject; & especially between disciplines.


the Means not the Ends
Technology cannot be ignored, but it is not a curiosity or a momentary fad. It is just a tool, like pencil and paper and mini-whiteboards, chosen because it is the best means to transmit or reinforce or apply or synthesize content.
Photo by Ѕolo

It's not all videos

It's a mindset
Flipping is using inquiry approaches, having students attempt to solve problems before you completely explain it, performing a lab as the introduction to a concept, using class time for learning processes, helping students to ask better questions, pushing them up Bloom's taxonomy; it is about the entire learning environment you create for your students. Videos might be one component, but they are not everything.
Photo by ZapTheDingbat


is everything
Your students will push back; they will resist. The same students not doing homework now, will probably be the same not doing homework if you flip; it's not a silver-bullet. You have to persevere and be patient with your students and yourself. You must be willing to try new things, fail publicly, be flexible and ready to modify as necessary. If you do this, you may also stand alone at your school, in your department, in your grade, but you're not alone: #flipclass on Twitter & flippedclassroom.org will connect you to many that have gone down this road already.
Photo by geezaweezer

Not Thoughtless

How class time is to be used is the driver of all my choices. In a flipped setting, my choices become exponentially influential: face-to-face time is precious & should be used to the fullest to help my students learn the content and processes of my discipline. I want them actively participating in their own learning so I choose worksheets, POGILS, projects and labs with intent; with an eye on what I want them to be able to understand and demonstrate.
Photo by Ken Whytock


Thinking & Questioning
Learning is not a crap-shoot, it is a tailored experience I create within the confines of my classroom. Learning is a process, it requires effort, it requires time, it requires reflection: thinking and re-thinking and practicing and applying and collaborating and questioning and struggling through difficult concepts. The flipped class allows this to be done with me and the other students together; it allows them to see they are not alone. Not to mention, it allows me to assess them constantly in so many different ways; it allows me to deal with any misconceptions; it allows me to address each student's questions; it allows me to improve their metacognition. All of this is the point.
Photo by Will Montague

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