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Easy to define 'rebel' as someone who can't get on with people.

My email signature: "internet arguer".

I've never been fired though it's been said that I was.

No one is born a rebel, you end up that way.

So what can you do with that inclination?
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the rebel

Published on Nov 18, 2015

Creative Mornings presentation, Mic Wright, CEO, The XX Corporation.


the rebel

building your own thing from inside and out
Easy to define 'rebel' as someone who can't get on with people.

My email signature: "internet arguer".

I've never been fired though it's been said that I was.

No one is born a rebel, you end up that way.

So what can you do with that inclination?
Photo by Leo Reynolds

who am i?

just some guy
Who am I?

-chippy git
-CEO of the XX Corporation

I started out at Pensions World [hold for laughs]

I talked my way into Stuff Magazine.

I was the youngest ever section editor at Q magazine. I jumped ship fast. I did terribly. Here's why…

Since 2009 I've been a freelance writer and troublemaker.

we want you to be creative

but don't change anything…
Every single job after Pension World [hold for laugh] employed me to be creative and then…

I turned up and found that being creative involved just doing what they'd always done but more perkily.

Creativity often looks too much like chaos.
Photo by elasticcamel


if you don't have them, you're not trying hard enough
I gave up writing my list of enemies because I filled a whole notebook.

Why enemies matter.

Fuel for the fire.
Photo by Serious Cat

to be creative…

you need space to create
Star Trek quotes.
What the hell is being creative?
It's not being this guy…
Photo by Astronomr

don't be this guy

Seriously… don't.
Photo by 0neiros

big companies

rarely give you that space
Big companies can give you space but they have to choose to.

Most that try give up eventually.

Google has largely killed its famous 20% Time.

so how do you rip it up?

Raymond Pettibon
Black Flag
Minor Threat/Fugazi
Ticket prices
Rebellion in favour of the right people.

we are…

the xx corporation
That's why I started The XX Corporation

No one goes unpaid.

We make great work.

Our magazines and websites will tell stories others don't.

Our client work will feed that.

One aim: to have the happiest employees of any company anywhere.


"They do it so we do it…that's how it's done."

It's hard to realise you're a robot until it's already very hard to change.

the world is changing

get ahead of it
Don't wait. Do it.