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The 5 Principles of Reiki

Published on Nov 18, 2015

Mikao Usui's Life Principles helping in bringing more happiness in our lives.


The 5 Principles of Reiki

Mikao Usui's method of inviting happiness

Mikao Usui's 5 Principles of Reiki can be repeated daily or used as meditation topics to invite more happiness in our lives.

These 5 life principles were inspired by the Meiji Emperor who ruled Japan at the turn of the 19th century.

Don't get angry  (Okoru-na)*

#1- Just for today    (Kyo dake wa)*
*Japanese transliteration of Mikao Usui's principles original wording. Source: "Reiki, The Legacy of Dr. Usui" by Frank Arjava Petter, Lotus Press 4th Edition, 2010, p.29.

1) Repeating "Just for today" helps stay in the present moment. Great creative power is found in the "now"present moment and it also makes the thought of not getting angry a lot more easier if it's just for today.

2) Principle #1 helps the root chakra.

When feeling anger, feel the feeling, give it space and find the cause of it as quickly as possible.

When we understand why we are angry, the energy of anger can be turned into a meaningful action.

Photo by Joe Parks

Don't worry  ( Shimpai suna)

#2-  Just for Today    (Kyo dake wa)*
Principle #2 helps the sacral and solar plexus chakras.

It deals with the power of fear which can be solved quickly when we understand what we fear and worry about.

Worrying is only useful if we can take positive action.

When we keep worrying endlessly for things we have no control over it can become an addiction.
Life changes when we stop doing it.

Show appreciation / Be grateful  (Kansha shite)

#3-  Just for Today    (Kyo dake wa)*
Principle #3 helps the third eye chakra.

Reiki Principle #3: Just for today be grateful

When we show appreciation and living in gratitude, life becomes magical. We see beauty everywhere, experience synchronicity and miracles start happening more often.

Starting a Gratitude Journal, writing 1 thing we're grateful for each day, is a great exercise to expand it. Looking back at what we wrote a month later is quite amazing!
Photo by Mlle Tortue

Work hard (on yourself)   (Gyo-o hage me)

#4-  Just for Today    (Kyo dake wa)*
Reiki Principle #4: Just for today, work hard (on yourself)

"Healing ourselves, overcoming bad habits require efforts.'... " Work should be taken seriously, enjoyed and carried out in a playful manner."... This principle reminds us to truly get involved in life, to not waste our time and use our opportunities." **

** Reference: "The Spirit of Reiki" p.255

Taking full responsibility for our thoughts, feelings and actions and letting others do the same for themselves is the key to our own freedom.

It's also important not to forget to be gentle with ourselves, to take time to relax.

Photo by angela7dreams

Be kind to others   (Hito ni sinsetsu ni)

#5-  Just for Today    (Kyo dake wa)*
Reiki Principle #5: Just for today, be kind to others.

This principle stress the importance of being kind to others and ourselves as well. To treat each other with love and compassion: smile, hug, good words, good deeds...

=> Recognize and honour the divine in others.

Photo by TPapi


  • "The Spirit of Reiki", by Walter Lubek, Frank Arjava Petter, William Lee Rant - Lotus Press 2009
  • "Reiki, The Legacy of Dr. Usui" by Frank Arjava Petter - 4th edition Lotus Press 2010
Photo by jev55