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Overcoming Evil with Good

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Overcoming Evil with Good

Jerry Stephens' Experience at Willowbrook
Photo by kevin dooley

About Mr. Stephens

Jerry's extensive studies in human interactions and development have shaped him into an advocate for compassion. His studies and his personal experiences within medicine have influenced his work in his "missions"

Balances human service to humans in need with advancements of science
Photo by Rantz

Education & Experience

  • Psychology Degree
  • Law School - to become an advocate
  • Senior Engineer Xerox
  • Studied Holocaust
Jerry's extensive studies in human interactions and development have shaped him into an advocate for compassion. His studies and his personal experiences within medicine have influenced his work in his "missions"
> Medical miracle / allowed experimental medicines / procedures to be performed on him
> Constantly learning
Balances human service to humans in need with advancements of science

Defining Evil:
"Long story short, a complete lack of empathy. But along with the absence of empathy, is the organized dehumanization of the victim."

Mr. Stephen's definition of evil is shaped from his studies and observations.
Complete absence of empathy combined with dehumanization of victim(s).

The two go together so the actions are not considered wrong, but "what they had to do"
Photo by i k o

What was Willowbrook?

"They were looked at worse than animals"
> Found 1947, shut down 1987

> Failure of leadership

> Dr.'s Advised parents to take mentally unstable children there.
> Jerry's example of the kid taken by the Dr., told parents they miscarried.
> Social Contract - hiding something "shameful" was accepted.
>Jerry's take: containing them was better than keeping them out in the world.
> Intentional infections (hepatitis)

Photo by netzanette

Working with Willowbrook

"Anything that could help was tried"
Stephens was in NY and began talking in the Willowbrook children after the story broke and the institution was shut down.

“I can’t remember seeing more distressing behavior of human beings in my life”

Rehabilitation / Created Healing environment
"Heroic personalities" involved
What he saw / experiences/ sense of humor altered

> One kid ate 150 pieces of flatware / surgery
> Staples / puke / feces-flingers

> Picked up that these children were severely neglected.
> Angry at abandonment, but never taught how to cope/ never given a chance.
> Many "misdiagnosed" - down syndrome, cerebral palsy

> Last day" story of "strong kid" who flung lady around
Photo by netzanette

Overcome Evil with Good

Stephens believed he met the situation head-on with compassion.
> Constantly learning

He and his team were able to provide a healing environment for the children and they taught him to be compassionate and treat everyone with dignity.

Though the institution was viewed as necessary by society in that day, unnecessary evils spawned from within.

The children were already neglected and though some staff members were good, the evil was over-whelming in regards to the mistreatment and intended infections.
The children were treated worse than animals - but Stephens and his collegues dug deep and just as he had in his various studies and interactions / he overcame the evil with good.
Photo by Ravages


Photo by Derek Bridges