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Clauses: Independent and Subordinate (Dependent)

Published on Nov 26, 2015

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Clauses: Independent and Subordinate (Dependent)

Photo by chooyutshing

Clause = subject + verb

Independent clause = a complete thought; can stand alone as a sentence

Photo by theqspeaks

Underline the subject and verb in the following sentence (also on your handout)

The Packers recently renovated their stadium.

Photo by Aff1737

subject = The Packers
Verb = renovated

Photo by sillydog

Subordinate (dependent) clause = not a complete thought; can't stand alone as a sentence

Subordinate Clauses
usually start with words like...

if, because,
even though,
how, what,
why, that,
while, when,

Underline the subject and verb in the following sentence (also on your handout)

because they needed more seats

Photo by Phil Roeder

subject = they
verb = needed

Photo by mbsam

With someone next to you, decide if the underlined part is Independent (I)or Subordinate (S)

1. S
2. I
3. I
4. S

A dependent/subordinate clause has to be attached to an independent clause to be a sentence.

Because they needed more seats, the Packers recently renovated their stadium.

Photo by gobucks2

Write an independent clause to turn the subordinate clause into a complete sentence

Raise your hand to share your sentence with the group.

Photo by Si1very

The back side of this sheet will be due in class on THURSDAY

Photo by 消化餅