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Slide Notes

Topic: Read the book instead of watching the movie.
General Purpose: “To persuade” as assigned.
Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience of adults that they should read the book, instead of watch the movie using Monroe's Motivated Sequence.
Thesis: The debate of which is best, the book or the movie, has been raging for years. There are the people that feel they get more of the story from the book and those who wait for the movie to tell them the story.

References APA:
Hamedy, S. (2015, January 20). Average movie ticket price rose to $8.17 in 2014. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved from http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/envelope/cotown/la-et-ct-movie-ticket-...
Krashen, S. D. (1993). The power of reading: Insights from the research (p. 33). Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited.
Martin, G. R. R., (1996). A game of thrones. New York, NY: Bantam Books.
McKee, A. (2007). Jonson vs. Jones in “Prospero's Books”. Literature Film Quarterly, 35(2), 121-128.
Santos, R. (2013, October 2). 6 reasons the book is (almost always) better than the movie. [Web log comment]. Retrieved from http://www.barnesandnoble.com/blog/6-reasons-the-book-is-almost-always-bett...
Sharon, A. T., (1973-1974). What do adults read? Reading Research Quarterly, 9 (2), 148-169. Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org/stable/747132
ShortList.com [Graphic illustration The Ultimate Showdown: Books Vs Movies] Books vs Films: the Infographic. Retrieved from http://www.shortlist.com/entertainment/books-vs-films-the-infographic
Strauss, V. (2015, April 16). The ‘most powerful’ classroom innovation – by the $1 million teaching prize winner. The Washington Post. Retrieved from http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/answer-sheet/wp/2015/04/16/the-most-pow...
TheBookAddictedGirl. (2013, November 6). Are books better than films? [Web log comment]. Retrieved from http://www.theguardian.com/books/2013/nov/06/discussion-books-better-than-f...
Towey, C. A. (2001). Flow: The Benefits of Pleasure Reading and Tapping Readers' Interests. Acquisitions Librarian, 13(25), 131.

Books Vs. Movies

Published on Nov 19, 2015

The age old debate of Books vs. Movies is finally resolved.



The great debate
Topic: Read the book instead of watching the movie.
General Purpose: “To persuade” as assigned.
Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience of adults that they should read the book, instead of watch the movie using Monroe's Motivated Sequence.
Thesis: The debate of which is best, the book or the movie, has been raging for years. There are the people that feel they get more of the story from the book and those who wait for the movie to tell them the story.

References APA:
Hamedy, S. (2015, January 20). Average movie ticket price rose to $8.17 in 2014. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved from http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/envelope/cotown/la-et-ct-movie-ticket-...
Krashen, S. D. (1993). The power of reading: Insights from the research (p. 33). Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited.
Martin, G. R. R., (1996). A game of thrones. New York, NY: Bantam Books.
McKee, A. (2007). Jonson vs. Jones in “Prospero's Books”. Literature Film Quarterly, 35(2), 121-128.
Santos, R. (2013, October 2). 6 reasons the book is (almost always) better than the movie. [Web log comment]. Retrieved from http://www.barnesandnoble.com/blog/6-reasons-the-book-is-almost-always-bett...
Sharon, A. T., (1973-1974). What do adults read? Reading Research Quarterly, 9 (2), 148-169. Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org/stable/747132
ShortList.com [Graphic illustration The Ultimate Showdown: Books Vs Movies] Books vs Films: the Infographic. Retrieved from http://www.shortlist.com/entertainment/books-vs-films-the-infographic
Strauss, V. (2015, April 16). The ‘most powerful’ classroom innovation – by the $1 million teaching prize winner. The Washington Post. Retrieved from http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/answer-sheet/wp/2015/04/16/the-most-pow...
TheBookAddictedGirl. (2013, November 6). Are books better than films? [Web log comment]. Retrieved from http://www.theguardian.com/books/2013/nov/06/discussion-books-better-than-f...
Towey, C. A. (2001). Flow: The Benefits of Pleasure Reading and Tapping Readers' Interests. Acquisitions Librarian, 13(25), 131.
Photo by ginnerobot

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"Does anyone recognize this man?"

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Attention cont:
"Does anyone recognize this man? The first man is Michael Crichton, author of Jurassic Park. The second man is Steven Spielberg, movie director of “Jurassic Park”. This brings up the question of which is better, the book or the move? For me, the book will always be better than the movie, and at the end of this presentation, it will be the same for you. "

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"I always try to read the book before I see the movie. I started this in middle school after I had seen all three “The Lord of the Rings” movies and I became curious about the books. Now I read the books and now I read the book before or after a new movie comes out that is based on the book. We all can read, therefore, we should exercise this skill by reading the book because it is most likely better than the movie."

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"The debate of which is best, the book or the movie, has been raging for years. There are the people that feel they get more of the story from the book and those who wait for the movie to tell them the story. For those who have both read the book and seen the movie, it is pretty much consensus that the book is better than the movie. I will outline the need and the satisfaction for the need, as well as help you understand what our society could be like if we all read books. This debate may be ongoing, but there is one clear reason why it should stop. If we have the choice between reading and watching a movie, we should read. (Need)"
Photo by anieto2k

Reading Benefits

  • Pleasurable
  • Vocabulary and fluency
  • Spelling
  • Lonleyness
"According to Stephen Krashen, reading is pleasurable, can effectively increase and improve our vocabulary and fluency, and research shows that the more we read, the better our spelling becomes (Krashen, p. 33). Studies show that older adults who read for pleasure are less lonely (Towey)."



"According to Amiel Sharon, a survey was conducted where 5,067 adults of the ages 16 years or older were interview on how much they read per day. The results were shocking. Out of 5,067 participants, 33% read books for leisure (Sharon). Usually, the problem is that movies are lacking compared to their book equivalents."

6 reasons

  • Lost in translation
  • Time limit
  • The scripting
  • Your imagination
  • Your minds capability
  • Lasting impressions
"According to Richard Santos, there are six reasons why the book is usually better then the movie. They are as follows. Reason 1: The movie gets lost in translation. Reason 2: The movie is not what you imagined. Reason 3: The script does not do the story justice. Reason 4: The movie is time limited. Reason 5: The movie does not allow the audience to put the story and elements together in their mind like books do. Reason 6: The book stays with you (Santos)."
Photo by Ali Alcaide

Movies fall short

  • Visual and verbal
  • Suspense and emotion
  • Inclusive
  • Observation vs. feeling
"According to Alexander McKee, movies create the problem of linking the verbal and the visual. That is how can the movies use vocabulary to describe the seen to the audience, as in books, then show that seen to the audience without letting them down. Usually the wordage is simplified to downplay this problem (McKee). According to the Guardian, the suspense and emotion does not project from the page to the screen. Books are all inclusive, and movies try to be, but they cannot. More over, movies let the audience observe everything, but books let the audience feel everything (TheBookAddictedGirl)."
Photo by whisperwolf

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"These circumstances create quite a problem, but there are many solutions to resolve the situation. The solution here is to read the books. Books are much cheaper than either going to the movies, buying the DVD. (Satisfaction) To help prove my point I brought some visuals to help put into perspective how much money you can save. (have assorted books and corresponding movies). The purchase of books is even cheaper than the movie theater. According to the LA Times, the average movie ticket cost in 2014 was $8.17 (LA Times). If you prefer not to add to your collection of books, you may certainty go to your local library and chose a book. Librarians are very helpful in helping you find the book that is right for you. Local libraries are also incorporating technology with the apps called GoodReads and OverDrive."
Photo by Greh Fox

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"It allows you to download any eBook, or audio book if you prefer, to your device and read or listen any time anywhere. The app is free and all you need is your library card and pin number."


"According to Cathleen Towey, 49.9% of the annual circulation in libraries is fiction (Towey)."

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"The Washington Post suggests that you find the genre that best fits you (Washington Post). The best way to do so is to find a librarian, tell them what you like in a story, you can even tell them how thick you want the book, and they will find you a book that you have not read before, and will probably enjoy. If more people implemented these solutions, think about what society would be like. If we read more, we all will become more literate and able to preform our day-to-day tasks at a higher level of thinking, producing a higher quality work. (Visualization)"

What would happen

  • Superior knowledge and skills
  • "Flow"
  • Literate
  • Concepts and cultures
"If everyone read more books, it would result in superior knowledge, improved writing, spelling, and grammar skills, increase vocabulary, and help us become better thinkers (Krashen). Not only does reading help our fluency skills, but it also helps us reach the psychological state of “Flow” where we are in complete enjoyment and nothing else in the world matters at that point in time (Towey). Reading more would also help create a more literate person (Sharon). You can learn new concepts and cultures in different times and worlds (Washington Post)."
Photo by kevin dooley


"Moreover, there is a consensus that the book is better than the movie. shortlist.com performed a survey of people who had seen the movie and read the book, and out of 53 stories, 34 of them are better in the book while 19 are better in the movie. These movies include “Jurassic Park”, “The Hunger Games”, and “The Lord of the Rings” to name a few (shortlist.com)."

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"A world of avid readers could not hurt society, but better it. The debate is over, books can enrich your lives in ways movies cannot. By reading, we can create a society that is no longer illiterate and ignorant. (Action): Therefore, I urge you to read more books, whether you buy them or borrow them from your local library, just read them."
Photo by Valentina_A

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"Each book we read could change our view on any point, and influence us more than any movie ever could. Most of us recall books that inspired and changed us. For me, one of those moments occurred when I was reading George R. R. Martin’s book A Game of Thrones and one of the characters stated: “A mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge.” (Martin, Tyrion Lannister to Jon Snow)."