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First a guy wakes up realizing he is late for work and he then asks, “why don’t I ever wake up to my alarms.” Next sommer ray enter with something in her hand and she says, “try larmlite!” It turns on all of the lights in your house and you wont ever sleep through it.

Next scene Sommer is still talking about all the great things about larmlite. It then cuts to a scene of th guy waking up to larmlite and being happy for getting to work on time.

It then cuts to a end screen of where it shows the larmlite and the price of $29.99 with shipping and handling. And then at the bottom in small letters it says it does not come with light bulbs you have to buy those yourself

It then cuts back to sommer and she says don’t miss out on larmlite they are going away fast. Only 2 hours left of the great deal of buy one get one free! But in the bottom in small letters it says you have to pay extra shipping and handling.