Differentiation for students of determination

Published on Jan 24, 2019

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Differentiation for students of determination

Neha Sharma (Feb 2019)


  • The UAE Federal law says that students of determination should be educated alongside their non-disabled peers “to the maximum extent possible.” According to a 2014 report by the National Center for Learning Disabilities, 66 percent of students with learning disabilities spend 80 percent or more of their school day in general education classrooms. That’s a big increase from 47 percent a decade ago.
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special education services

  • Assistive technology such as providing a laptop to help a student with a writing disability take notes in class
  • Accommodations such as seating the student near the teacher (and far from distractions) or allowing him to give oral reports instead of writing essays
  • Modifications such as reducing the amount of homework a student is assigned
  • Paraprofessionals who serve as teachers’ aides helping students with various tasks such as taking notes and highlighting important information

At a glance

  • In an inclusion classroom, general education teachers and special education teachers work together to meet the needs of students.
  • This type of classroom gives special education students the support they need and allows them to stay in the least restrictive environment.
  • All students can benefit from the additional resources and supportive techniques used in an inclusion classroom

Differentiation at a glance

  • Differentiated instruction is not the same as individualized instruction
  • Differentiated instruction allows students to show what they know in different ways.
  • It can work well in general education classes that include students with learning and attention issues.
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Teachers who use differentiated instruction tailor their teaching approach to match their students’ learning styles. All the students have the same learning goal. But the teaching approach varies depending on how students prefer to learn.
Instead of using a one-size-fits-all approach, a teacher uses a variety of methods to teach. This can include teaching students in small groups or in one-on-one sessions. Carol Ann Tomlinson, an educator who has done some of the most innovative work in this area, says there are four areas where teachers can differentiate instruction.

Content: Figuring out what a student needs to learn and which resources will help him do so
Process: Activities that help students make sense of what they learn
Projects: A way for students to “show what they know”
Learning environment: How the classroom “feels” and how the class works together

Why Differentiation?Differentiated instruction “shakes up” the traditional classroom, says Tomlinson. Students have “multiple options for taking in information, making sense of ideas, and expressing what they learn,” she explains.
Forty years ago, Tomlinson says, the focus was on individualized instruction. But teachers discovered that creating an individual learning plan for each student in a class wasn’t realistic. Differentiated instruction, on the other hand, uses several learning approaches. But it doesn’t require an individual approach for each student. All students have access to the curriculum in a variety of ways. This makes the whole learning experience more effective.

Photo by Doug Linstedt

How Differentiated Instruction Works

Small work groups: The students in each group rotate in and out. This gives them a chance to participate in many different groups. A group can include a pair of students or a larger group. But in all cases, it’s an opportunity for students to learn from each other.
Reciprocal learning: Sometimes the student becomes the teacher, sharing what he’s learned and asking questions of his peers.
Continual assessment: Teachers regularly monitor students’ strengths and weaknesses (in both formal and informal ways) to make sure they’re progressing well in their knowledge and mastery of schoolwork.

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Differentiated Instruction and Special Education
A teacher uses differentiated instruction to give every student multiple paths to learning. That includes students who have Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). It doesn’t replace the goals and objectives in a child’s IEP. Instead, the teacher personalizes her teaching to help the student meet those goals and objectives.

Six common strategies for SWANs1. Wait Time
“Wait time” (or “think time”) is a three- to seven-second pause after a teacher says something or asks a question.

This strategy can help with the following issues:

Slow processing speed: For kids who process slowly, it may feel as though a teacher’s questions come at rapid-fire speed. “Wait time” allows kids to understand what the teacher asked and to think of a response.
ADHD: Kids with ADHD can benefit from wait time for the same reason. They have more time to think instead of calling out the first answer that comes to mind.

Photo by John-Morgan

2. Multisensory Instruction
Multisensory instruction is a way of teaching that engages more than one sense at a time. A teacher might help kids learn information using touch, movement, sight, smell and hearing.

This way of teaching can help with these issues:

Dyslexia: Teachers might have students use their fingers to tap out each sound in a word, for example.
Dyscalculia: Multisensory instruction is helpful in math, too. Teachers often use hands-on tools like blocks and drawings. These tools help kids to “see” math concepts. Teachers refer to these tools as manipulatives.
Dysgraphia: E.g. students use highlighted lines to write.
ADHD: Techniques involving movement, which can help kids focus and retain new information.

3. Modeling
Most kids don’t learn simply by being told what to do. Teachers use a strategy called “I Do, We Do, You Do” to model a skill. The teacher will show how to do something (“I do”), such as how to do a math problem. Next, she will invite kids to do a problem with her (“we do”). Then, kids will try a math problem on their own (“you do”).

This strategy can help with these issues:
All learning and attention issues: When used correctly, I Do, We Do, You Do can benefit all learners. That’s because a teacher can provide support during each phase. However, teachers must know what support to provide.Think of it like riding a bike: The teacher needs to know when to take off the training wheels.

Photo by Rafa.ela Ely

4. Graphic Organizers
Graphic organizers are visual tools. They show information or the connection between ideas. They also help kids organize what they’ve learned or what they have to do. Teachers use these tools to “scaffold,” or provide support around, the learning process for struggling learners.

They can be especially helpful with these issues:

Dyscalculia: In math, graphic organizers can help kids break down math problems into steps.
Dysgraphia: Graphic organizers help kids plan their ideas and writing.
Executive functioning issues: Kids with weak executive skills can use these tools to organize information and plan their work.

Photo by joguldi

5. One-on-One and Small Group Instruction
Learning in a small group or 1:1 can be very helpful to kids with learning and attention issues.

This means that they tailor the lesson to needs of student.

This strategy helps with:

Dyslexia: Teachers often work with a small group of kids at the same reading level or to focus on a specific skill.
Dyscalculia: Teachers gather one or more students to practice skills that some students (but not the whole class) need extra help with.
ADHD and executive functioning issues: Settings with fewer distractions, teachers can help students stay on task and learn skills like self-monitoring.
Slow processing speed: Teachers can adjust the pace of instruction to give students the time to take in and respond to information.

6. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Strategies

UDL is a type of teaching that gives all students flexible ways to learn and succeed.

ADHD: UDL allows students to work in flexible learning environments. A teacher might allow a student to work in a quiet space or the student may want to wear headphones.

Executive functioning issues: One UDL strategy is to give directions in more than one format. For instance, a teacher might give directions out loud & write them on the board.

Dyslexia: Teachers present information in many different ways. For instance, instead of telling students they must read a book, they would be invited to listen to an audiobook. This removes a barrier for students who struggle with reading.

Dysgraphia: One UDL strategy is to give assignment choices via presentation or acting out a historical skit.

Photo by CloCkWeRX

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