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Post War SC

Published on Mar 15, 2016

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Post War SC

South Carolina in the Cold War

War helped the economy

post war the boom continued because people bought goods they previously couldn't get during war & they had a lot of savings built up


  • given to returning veterans
  • gave them money to get an education, start a business, or buy a house

Returning soldiers also led to a baby boom

Photo by dullhunk

Interstate system was developed by President Eisenhower

Photo by squeaks2569

more money + Bigger families + highways + affordable cars= Growth of suburbs

President Kennedy called for an improvement in education to better compete in the cold War

SC changes in Education

  • school year extended to 9 mo.
  • 12th grade added to HS
  • built technical colleges
Photo by naosuke ii

Tourism from the North increased

Cold War impact on sc

  • Savannah River Nuclear plant (made plutonium for nuclear arsenal)
  • Military bases in SC continued to grow

Women's role shifted back to the home (but not for long)

Photo by loop_oh

Television came to the American household

contributed to the national culture

Counterculture: There was a resistance to the conformity

Photo by Carol Browne

Rise in Fear:

  • KKK returns in backlash to Civil Rights Movement
  • Fear of Atomic Attacks (fighting the Cold War)
  • Red Scares: fear of communist spies