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Has this ever happened in your lecture?
Are you struggling to capture students attention?
Unable to gauge students' level of understanding?
and hence unable to provide feedback?

Wish you could change this?
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Facilitating Active Learning during Lectures

Published on Jul 14, 2016

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Effects of the Lecture

Has this ever happened in your lecture?
Are you struggling to capture students attention?
Unable to gauge students' level of understanding?
and hence unable to provide feedback?

Wish you could change this?

Student Response Systems

If you answered Yes to any of the questions, you would be please to know that there is a simple, easy and free way to engage students during lectures.

It is called student response systems or Polling.

Student Response Systems

And it is done with the smart devices that students already owned.

And all that's needed is a Smart phone, Tablet, Laptop or Internet-ready device


  • Safe space for shy and unsure students
  • Capture students' attention
  • Promotes discussion and collaboration
  • Safe space for shy or unsure students
  • Gauge student understanding in real-time
  • Provide immediate feedback
Here are some benefits of using Student Response Systems (SRS) during Lectures

1. Studies show that most people’s attention lapses after 10 minutes of passive listening. Inserting a few activities facilitated by Student Response Systems every so often during a lecture can help maintain students’ attention

2. Promote discussion and collaboration among students during lectures with group exercises that require students to discuss and come to a consensus

3. A SRS gives students a chance to respond to your question silently and privately, enabling students who might not typically speak up in class to express their thoughts and opinions. A SRS also enables students to respond anonymously to sensitive ethical, legal, and moral questions.

4 & 5. The last two benefits are inter-related really.
Real time results of students' answers are shown in a graph such as a histogram.

If the graph shows that a significant number of students chose wrong answers to a question, then the teacher can revisit or clarify the points he or she just made in class.

If the graph shows that most students chose the correct answers to a question, then the teacher can move on to another topic.

Make your Lectures Active

Turn your lectures into active learning spaces and encourage students participation

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“Participation of students in the learning process by doing something besides passively listening.” (Bonwell, 1991)

Active learning engages students in two aspects – doing things and thinking about the things they are doing (Bonwell and Eison, 1991)

“A method of learning in which students are actively or experientially involved in the learning process and where there are different levels of active learning, depending on student involvement.”(Weltman, 2007)

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Socrative (www.socrative.com) is a popular choice for Student Response Systems that can be used in the classroom.

It is intuitive and easy-to-use and it is FREE.

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Why not take the plunge.
Rewards are plenty and the possibilities are endless.
Photo by Hjem

Office of Faculty Support

Contact the Office of Faculty Support and Book a time to attend a workshop