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Slide Notes

This Haiku Deck presentation template for a company "culture code" presentation was created using the Zissou theme, image filters off.

More about Haiku Deck themes: http://blog.haikudeck.com/presentation-templates-with-pizzazz/

Copy of Culture and Core Values Haiku Deck Presentation Template

Haiku Deck presentation template for capturing company culture and core values. Ideas: Add to your company LinkedIn page, share with employees, embed in blog or website.


Culture and Core Values

Haiku Deck Presentation Template
This Haiku Deck presentation template for a company "culture code" presentation was created using the Zissou theme, image filters off.

More about Haiku Deck themes: http://blog.haikudeck.com/presentation-templates-with-pizzazz/
Photo by chiaralily

Company Name

Culture and Core Values
Introduce yourself! Here you'll probably want to use a company logo or an image of your team or headquarters. You can pull directly from your camera roll, Facebook account, or Google Drive or Dropbox folder.

How to import images like a pro: