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A2 Film class on the Wong Kar-wai film, Happy Together.


A2 Film

'Happy Together'

Section C

  • Single close study of one film
  • Synoptic Study
  • Micro/Macro
  • Contextual 
  • Advanced Level Study
Here is a brief outline of what this unit is all about. However, remember that unlike the other two sections of the exam, this is worth just 30 marks.

Synoptic Study means that we will be drawing on all the units we've studied to gain a full understanding of the film. It means we need to draw on all our knowledge from the last two years.

The exam has a choice of questions in Section C. There are two 'generic' questions at the beginning, which can refer to any of the films. There is then one specific question on our chosen film. We might be asked to explore the various aspects of Film Form Micro and Film Form Macro. So, dig out those AS notes!

Doing a contextual study means that we are looking at all the various things this film is related to. Some things might be more obvious than others, like sexuality, for example. However, there could be things that only a detailed study of the film can reveal.

wong kar-wai

[(those) who yearn for romance in the midst of a knowingly brief life
I've placed some links on the A2 Film iLearn page about our director. I would also advise seeing some of this other films, as this will give you a wider context.

I recommend seeing:

. Chungking Express
. Days of Being Wild
. In the Mood for Love

Those films are also photographed by our cinematographer, Christopher Doyle.

Recurring themes

  • Emotionally charged
  • Poetic cinematography 
  • Kinetic visuals and editing
  • Existential crisis
  • Exploration of time...space
Seeing the films I've mentioned will really help you identify these themes. However, what else is there to say? Only your own contextual studies can reveal this.

What do you think I mean by, 'existential crisis'?

Existentialism is a philosophical movement that stresses individual existence. Human beings are totally free and responsible for their own acts. Another main idea of existentialism is the limitation of reason and the irreducibility of experience to any system. Man is not a detached observer of the world; rather, he "exists" in a special sense - he is "in the world." Stones, trees, and other objects do not share this existence, and man is open to the world and the objects in it. There is no set limit to how many choices man must make, and no particular set of rules or values one must follow. Rather, there is simply a framework in which action and choice are to be viewed, implying that there are right and wrong ways of choosing, although the individual is still completely free.

With this in mind, how can you relate the characters in HT to existentialist?

human relationships

the little fleeting moments and impressions that add up to a mood
This is a concept which Wong Kar-wai's films often deal with.

How is this explored in Happy Together?

“I’ve never worked with someone who’s put so much emphasis on a single moment,” Jude Law

This quote is from My Blueberry Nights, which Jude Law starred in. It is Wong Kar-wai's only English speaking film.

christopher doyle

the dance of cinema
Please check iLearn for further links and resources on Christopher Doyle. The more research you can do on him and his style then the more your contextual study will reveal.

In addition, I would recommend seeing some of his other films, both those he made with Wong Kar-wai and those with other directors.

The relationship between me, the camera and the actor is always a dance

Clearly, Doyle is a poetic, sensitive creative person. How far so you think his personality is represented in Happy Together?

Du Ke Feng

"like the wind"
Doyle's Chinese name is Du Ke Feng, which means, 'Like the Wind'. How does this represent his personality?

One radical thing to consider is how far is Happy Together a Christopher Doyle film or a Wong Kar-wai film?

Some of the criticism Happy Together has gotten is that it is overly 'stylised' and there was even a question on the exam one year to the effect of: 'how far do you agree that Happy Together is 'style over substance'.

Personally, I find it is very easy to get caught up in the kinetic energy and romance of the film but what is your response?


close study of the film
We've discussed the unit and the two main creative forces behind the camera so we should start to explore the actual film itself.

I believe it's available on Netflix so please do try and see AT LEAST two more times.

I'd also recommend screening the film for friends and family and listening to their reactions.

offering quick glimpses and moments

Happy Together€ works like our memories

from the beginning can't work

at a relationship that you know

for its raw, visceral honesty


Class research

  • Your response
  • Which key scenes stand out?
  • How can we complete a 'contextual study'?
Individually, consider your response to the film. be honest but also please be open to be challenged and to change your mind. You might find that this is a film which takes longer to 'get'.

Like all analysis of films, we need to identify key scenes.

Contextual Study

This is really the main aspect of the unit. By studying the film in great detail we will uncover other aspects of the film.

Photo by lo_lozd

Contextual approach

  • How does HT represent sexuality? 
  • In what way is HT about the migrant experience?
  • How far do you agree that HT is 'style over substance'?
  • How does film form micro create dramatic intensity?
  • 'Wong Kar-wai is an auteur'.  Discuss.  
These five questions are related to actual exam questions so it is clear we should explore them.

However, this is not a finite list. We have no way of knowing what else we come up in the exam so therefore, a detailed and far reaching contextual study is paramount.


What are the other areas of study we can approach?
Discuss in paris the other areas of study the film has.

Bare in mind that other avenues will open up when we look at other areas so be prepared for this research to go in unexpected directions.

For example, we haven't discussed the relevance of 'star theory' in Happy Together. The cast might be unknown to most of us but they are actually incredibly famous in Asia.

Photo by Leo Reynolds