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What is organization development? It is a comprehensive effort to improve an organization’s ability to solve problem and improve performance. It involves the application of behavioral science in systematic and long-range effort to improve organizational effectiveness.

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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What is organization development?
It is a comprehensive effort to improve an organization’s ability to solve problem and improve performance. It involves the application of behavioral science in systematic and long-range effort to improve organizational effectiveness.

Photo by ecstaticist

OD is an important way for leaders to share power to advance planned change agendas, foster creativity and innovation and continuously improve organizational performance.

Photo by Q8Evanescence

Organization Development Goals:

There are two goals in the organizational development outcome goals of OD which focuses on task accomplishments, while the process goals of OD focuses on the way people work together. The second goal strongly differentiates OD from more general attempts at planned change in organizations. OD is unique in its commitment to strong humanistic values, established principles of behavioural science, freedom of choice, shared power, and self-reliance.

Photo by JohnONolan

This figure presents a general model of OD and shows its relationship to Lewin’s three phases of planned change. This process begins with establish a working relationship, diagnosis, intervention, evaluation and achieving a terminal relationship.

Photo by H.L.I.T.

The success or failure of any OD program lies in part with the strength of its methodological foundations. As shown in figure 18.6, these foundations rest on action research – the process of systematically collecting data on an organization, feeding back to the action planning and evaluating results by collecting more data and repeating the process as necessary

So the steps in action research are:
– Problem sensing.
– Data gathering.
– Data analysis and feedback.
– Action planning.
– Action implementation.
– Evaluation and follow-up.

Organization Development Intervention:

-OD intervention is a structured activity that helps create change for organization development.

-There’s three types of intervention:

Individual intervention, team intervention, organization wide intervention.

To help improve individual intervention effectiveness, you must include the following:

– Sensitivity training (T-groups)

– Management training

– Role negotiation

– Job redesign

– Career planning

Photo by kevin dooley

Team intervention:

– Team building
– Process consultation
– Inter-group team building

Organizational- wide intervention:
– Survey feedback
– Confrontation meeting
– Structural redesign
– Management by objectives (MBO)

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