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Vocabulary for Unit 1 Part 1

Published on May 15, 2014

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Visualize: picture the text in your mind using the writer's words

Photo by ke0ky

INFERENCE: a conclusion from details and reasoning

Photo by Nine Köpfer

INFERENCE: a conclusion from details and reasoning

Photo by Nine Köpfer

CONTEXT CLUES: details in the story or sentence that help you infer

Photo by jeramey

Mood: atmosphere or feeling in the story

Analyze: to examine the details for meaning

Attitude or feeling of the speaker

Photo by astro_matt

Put important details together in a short statement - small package

Photo by harry harris

THEME: An idea or truth about life or human nature implied in a story

Photo by otherthings

Characterization: details in the story that show a character’s traits

Photo by Andrew Seaman

Conflict: : the problem that drives the story

Foreshadowing: details that hint at later events

Climax: Moment of greatest suspense - leads to outcome of the conflict

Photo by Icons8 team

Resolution: How the conflict turns out at the end of a story


PARADOX: ideas that are opposite or contradict each other but are BOTH true

IRONY: contradiction of what is expected and what actually happened or was said

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