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Review online resource:

Very brief intro 2-3 minutes
(they've heard this before, just for reenforcement of the concept)
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Mastering Your Upper Airway Lifelines - SGA Edition

Published on Apr 16, 2017

The supraglottic airway is one of your three upper airway lifelines in an emergency airway situation.


The SGA Edition

Mastering Your Upper Airway Lifelines
Review online resource:

Very brief intro 2-3 minutes
(they've heard this before, just for reenforcement of the concept)

Upper Airway Lifelines

The SGA is one of your three
While only one of these lifelines is considered a definitive airway it is important to remember that in an emergency airway setting a definitive airway does not supersede the need to prioritize oxygenation and that any of these lifelines can successfully achieve that goal.

Part of the Vortex cognitive tool

This is represented in the VORTEX approach by the green zone

Airway Emergency

Designed to remind you that during an
In the emergency airway setting it is important to remember that the goal is not intubation but oxygenation.


Is the primary goal
In the emergency airway setting it is important to remember that the goal is not intubation but oxygenation.

Supraglottic Airway

Introduction to the
Introduction to the SGA
(show and tell) 5-7 minutes.

Contraindications (RODS)

  • Restricted mouth
  • Obstruction (FB)
  • Distorted anatomy
  • Stiff lungs

SGA Encounters in the ED

  • Prior Placement (EMS)
  • Sudden Cardiac Arrest
  • Rescue Device (After Failed Laryngoscopy)
  • Bridge to FONA (In a Failed Airway)

Hands On Skills Training!

Now it's time for some

Problem Solving the SGA

You're lifeline hasn't "failed" before making a best effort!
10 minutes of hands on time

Hands On Skills Training!

Now it's time for some more

The Protected Airway

Find more information at


You may now safely enter the Vortex

This is represented in the VORTEX approach by the green zone