2024 JST Expo Workshop

Published on Jan 17, 2023

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JST Expo Workshop

Preparing for your best presentation EVER!
Photo by Brett Jordan

Why do we present?

  • Grows your brain
  • Public speaking experience
  • Improves JST overall
  • Exhibit to an authentic audience
  • Brings people together
  • Motivates you to do your best
Why do we present and have a JST Expo in the first place?

Consider these reasons:
1. Learning to summarize an experience helps your brain reflect and process everything you've accomplished.
2. Public speaking is a skill you'll need to master for almost every career choice.
3. We want to make sure every student's JST experience was valuable - learning about how it went helps us/students improve for next time.
4. When students know they will share their work with an audience beyond the classroom, they are motivated to make it high quality.
5. Family, staff, and other students are curious, interested, and invested in what you did for your JST - time to show off your hard work! Be proud of what you accomplished!
6. Exhibitions set the expectation that all students, not just a select group, are capable of producing high-quality work and will share that work with people beyond their classroom.

Further resources:
Photo by Brett Jordan

Essential Question:
How do I share my
JST experience?

This is the question we are pursuing today!
Photo by Jon Tyson

What's the big idea?

Brain Dump Activity
This is an example of a word cloud, which you might choose in the next step!

Write everything you can think of that was important to you during JST.

Take 3 minutes to do this. Memories, learning, your take-aways, big moments, how you changed, etc.! This could take the form of a list, word cloud, collage, etc. It is meant to be a stream of consciousness "brain dump" and not a formal piece of writing!

Link to Video: http://www.youtube.com/v/iHdviZkM7S4

Now narrow down your list.
- What are the top 5 things?
- What are the top 3 things?
- What is the top 1 thing?

Now narrow down your "brain dump" list of what you learned. First, pare down to the FIVE most important things. Next, choose the THREE most important. Finally, determine the ONE most important idea or concept you learned or experienced during JST.

Take about 3-5 minutes to do this.
Photo by Jan Kahánek

What is the ONE BIG IDEA that you want your audience to take away after hearing from you at the Expo?

Identify the one big idea that is most important to you. In other words, the one thing you want those who see your presentation to take away.
Photo by Marcel Eberle

Getting to your big idea

  • What do you want your audience to do differently after?
  • Why should we care about your experience?
  • What did you learn from your experience?
  • How did your experience move you from one point to another in your life?
  • Consider reading some of your reflections to jog your memory.
If you have any difficulty getting to your ONE BIG IDEA, consider these questions.

What do you want your audience to FEEL?

Another consideration when preparing for the Expo is to think about how you want your audience to feel. Consider using the feelings wheel on the next slide.
Photo by Hello I'm Nik

Untitled Slide

Consider using a Feelings Wheel (such as this one https://blog.calm.com/blog/the-feelings-wheel) to dig deeper into what you want your audience to feel. Having this in mind throughout your presentation can really help you stay focused and not get nervous!

Sharing Your Experience

  • What you SHOW
  • What you SAY
  • What they TAKE AWAY
Here are the three things we're going to go over in the rest of this presentation.

"What they TAKE AWAY" should be the ONE BIG IDEA you came up with in our activity.


WHAT you show at the Expo is, of course, very important!

visual (noun): something that appeals to the sight and is used for effect or illustration

What you share should have:

  • Something visual (photo or other image, video, diagram, etc.)
  • Something with a few words
  • Physical artifacts
Please plan to have something visual to share at the Expo. This is a required part of JST.

The visual makes the audience curious.

The text introduces one (and only one) idea.

If you are creating a slideshow with images and/or text, don't use too many words! Keep text simple and only introduce one idea per slide.
Photo by Jon Tyson

Notice this slideshow as an example

Eye-catching visuals and one idea per slide.

Group Projects

What part will YOU own?
If you're participating in a group project, each person should determine which part they will be responsible for. The presentation should be a team effort and it should be clear to the audience that each person contributed.


(and how you say it)
The second important thing is what you SAY. In this case, it is BOTH what you say AND how you say it!
Photo by goto10

Cheat out!

"To "Cheat Out" means that the performer readjusts his or her body with an audience in mind."
- https://www.thoughtco.com/cheating-out-and-other-theatre-jargon-3973520
In other words, always point your feet at who you're speaking to. Practice this!
Photo by DaPuglet

Toes should point toward who you’re talking to

In other words, always point your feet at who you're speaking to. Practice this!

Don't read to your audience

If you read to me, I won’t listen during an event like this. It will feel boring to your audience.

Smile and make eye contact.

Tips for Group Presentations

  • Everyone in the group looks at the one speaking.
  • Break down who will say what. Make a plan.
  • Practice! More than once!


Photo by otherthings

Untitled Slide

Think back to your ONE BIG IDEA identified during the brain dump activity. Write it down if you haven't already.

You will be asked to submit your ONE BIG IDEA to a Google Classroom assignment.

In ONE sentence!! Well crafted and thought out.
Photo by Jon Tyson

Clearly being able to articulate your ONE BIG IDEA will help you be prepared for the Expo.

Your audience is giving you the gift of their time and attention. Give THEM the gift of your one big idea as their take-away.
Photo by Jess Bailey


Practice with a partner or group of 3+
It is essential that you practice your JST Expo presentation.


  • Practice your presentation (or your part) with a friend or 2
  • Have them say "What I'm hearing you say is..."
  • If they haven't captured your ONE BIG IDEA, make some changes.
  • Consider filming yourself giving the presentation, then watch the footage. Offer each other constructive feedback.
It is essential that you practice your JST Expo presentation. Here are some tips!

Previews: Who can help

  • Rivera
  • Shutters
  • Wilson
  • Bellezzo
  • McGuire
  • Busbey
  • Your field checker
These people can help you prepare for the Expo! In fact, to be eligible for the JST award, you MUST preview your Expo presentation with one of these individuals by February 1.

You may be able to preview your presentation with other adults as well. See Mrs. Shutters with any questions.


see the notes for some examples of successful JST presentations

Expo Structure

What will it be like?

Expo Structure

  • Start together in MPR: Intros and Keynote speeches
  • Breakout sessions spread throughout the Upper School
  • Choose between table or presentation time
Like last year, we will begin together in the MPR. This will be followed by time for the audience to either visit you at a table/booth or view your presentation at a certain time on the schedule.

You will need to let Mrs. Shutters know, via Google Classroom, what form your presentation will take.

Dress for Expo

Business Professional / Interview Wear
Photo by Brooke Lark

Dress is business professional if possible. Don't go out to buy something new, but do wear something you already have that is professional.

Dress is business professional for the JST Expo. This is one of our most important events of the year!
Yes: solid color clothing, pants with no rips, non-gym shoes. No: shirts with logos, hoodies, ripped jeans, gym shoes, etc.

Next Steps

  • Answer the question about what form your Expo presentation will take
  • Begin preparing and practicing!
  • Submit your presentation to Google Classroom
These next steps can all be found in Google Classroom. The question about what form your presentation will take will be posted on Wednesday Jan 24.
Photo by Matt Whitacre