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Stream data

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Stream data

everything you need to know
Photo by skoeber


  • fill the tube to the 5mL line
  • add the #1 Nitrate TesTab
  • shut the cap and shake until it dissapeared
  • add the #2 Nitrate TesTab
  • do step 3 again
  • wait 5 minutes
  • use the color chart to compare of the sample
Photo by stevendepolo

Nitrate: If the ppm of nitrate is over 10, it can cause health problems, or may cause death if untreated. Since we have 5, it is fair.

Photo by MGSpiller

Dissolved Oxygen:DO levels more than 3 can be stressful to aquatic life.That is the reason our test is poor because the DO is over 3, it's 4.

Turbidity:The class said the turbidity for the water was 0 JTU's. The reason its excellent is because it has a better JTU than drinking water, (which is 0.5)!

Photo by FondriestEnv

temperature:According to my research,temperature affects feeding,metabolism,etc. of life in the water.Hot water for too long can make it unsuitable for some aquatic life.Temperature tolerance changes depending on the animal. 15 degrees Celsius is 59 degrees Fahrenheit, which is why its good(many fish can tolerate that).

Photo by Leo Reynolds

pH:Our pH is excellent because below 5.5 is harmful to aquatic life. Above 9 is harmful to fish like perch and trout. Good thing ours is 7.

Phosphates:total phosphates over .03 ppm will increase plant growth and eutrophication.The lower the ppm, the better the water. High levels of phosphate can cause bacterial problems, aquatic life problems, and more. Ours is a fair because it is a 4 ppm.

How to help streams

  • Put trash cans right next to streams because no trash can be littered in the stream anymore. This will stop non point pollution.
  • Plant trees next to a stream so that when it rains, trees will hold the soil and prevent sediment pollution
Photo by r-z