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Plague Of Athens

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Plague of Athens Greece
Sydney Karl
Kaitlyn Petrey
Makayla Boshaw

Photo by coolmonfrere

Task One:
Plague- A contagious bacterial disease characterized by fever and delirium. Typically with the formation of soars and infection of the lunges.

Photo by pellethepoet

Task Two:
Plague in a sentence-
He was plagued with poor health.

Photo by profzucker

Facts of The Plague of Athens:
1) Epidemic of the city of Athens in Ancient Greece.
2) Appeared the second year of the Peloponnesian war.

3) entered through their city port, "sole source of food and supplies."
4) Returned 2 times, nearly 1,000 tombs dated between 430 and 426BC.

5) This plague killed an estimated one third to two thirds of the population.

Photo by infomatique

I wake up to the smell of death. I am shocked with all the horror around me. I am hopeless and terrified of what might happen. So many have died I fear that I might have this deadly sickness. I am desperate for help, there has to be a cure. All my loved ones have died around me. Now I am worried that I might be next.

Photo by mripp