Current State of the Company
for HR to Improve Performance
Building employee relations is an important part
of an organization (SHRM, 2020).
Promote from within and provide in-house training
Use technology and social media tools to share knowledge within the company
Technology will never stop growing we need to embrace it and make it work for our company, find way a way for technology to give our company a competitive advantage (Zielinski,2020)
When hiring, most companies do not tend to look at cultural diversity and the qualities it brings to the organizations (Evans, 2019).
Recommendation's for the organization
Utilize all resources
We will use the affirmative action program to help women and minorities feel safe at work (Little, Murry & Wimbush, 1998).
Open communication and Feedback
Focus on Business Strategy
Cost leadership ensures we are giving our customers the best possible price by increasing profits and reducing costs (Wrote & Wrote, 2019).
Unit labor cost per team unit labor costs started at $59.10 and every quarter they went up in eighth quarter unit labor costs were $ 67.60
Turnover for team turnover started at 9.8 and ended with 9.3 it was lowest in quarter 3 with 6.7 and highest in quarter one with 10.8
1.2 increase
It is essential to become a part of your companies work environment and create a positive work culture (Hall, 2019).
The accident rate per team Accident rate started at 494 and went to 291 in quarter eight,
2.5 increase
Productivity per Team
Productivity started at 200 and lowered to 150 in quarter eight
this is down 6.8
Quality Index per Team
Quality Index stared at 50 and ended at 53, it remained constant the whole time except in quarter one to 46
Opportunity estimation metric, % = Impact, % x Probability, %
Morale for the Team
Morale started at 50 went to 49 in quarter one then steadily went up ending quarter eight with 79
Leaders and employees can have decreased motivation due to being overworked from lack of staff (Sijbom, Lang & Anseel, 2018).
Grievances for the team started with 31 and slowly declined down to 18 in quarter eight.
Five metrics should be measured when you measure metrics, the number of grievances per month, what the grieve is costing the company, what caused the grievance, how long it took to close the grievance, and the outcome (Hastings, 2018).
Absenteeism for the team started very high at 498 and ended the eighth quarter at 353
There is a direct correlation between absenteeism and job satisfaction (Goldberg & Waldman, 2000).
Key takeaways from my time as the HR director.
Building employee relations is an important part.
Ofz an organization (SHRM, 2020).
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- Brin, D. (2019, August 16). Technology to Support Remote Workers Evolves. Retrieved from
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- Evans, M. (2019, August 16). Does Hiring for 'Culture Fit' Perpetuate Bias? Retrieved December 31, 2020, from
- Goldberg, C., & Waldman, D. (2000, July 28). Modeling employee absenteeism: Testing alternative measures and mediated effects based on job satisfaction. Retrieved December 31, 2020, from
Untitled Slide
- Rebecca R. Hastings, S. (2018, April 11). Measure Grievances to Minimize Costs. Retrieved January 01, 2021, from
- Sijbom, R. B., Lang, J. W., & Anseel, F. (2018). Leaders’ achievement goals predict employee burnout above and beyond employees’ own achievement goals. Journal of Personality, 87(3), 702-714. doi:10.1111/jopy.12427
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